Chapter five

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The night had gone by in a blur of tears and anxiety.

I ended up calling my mom and of course she didn't suspect anything was wrong however my conversation with Heather was a lot harder to explain.


"What do you mean you don't want to be roommates." I could hear her disappointment through the phone.

"I do it's just, my mom said no." I lied.

I knew she was probably looking more confused than ever. "Cindy Jacobson said no?" She questioned.

"Mmhm." I say slowly.

I hated lying to her. She was my best friend and we didn't keep secrets between us but I was trying to protect her from the truth and possibly death.

"Is everything okay Jillian? Is something going on?" She whispers through the phone.

Of course she didn't believe me. She had spent way too much time with my mom growing up. She knew she wouldn't have had a problem with us rooming together.

"Maybe I should come over tonight to check on-"

"I'm sleeping with Roman." I blurt out.

Silence fills the other end of the phone.

Why the fuck would I say that?

"I'm sorry did you just-"

"Yes." I interrupt.

"But you're a virgin." She whispers. "I thought you hated Roman?"

I do.

"He's not so bad. I guess I just fell into his facade just like all the other girls."

"So you're what? Living on campus with the boys who you refer to as "Roman and his pussy-whipped idiots"."

I did say that didn't I?

"I am." I say slowly.

"But they don't let anyone stay at the frat house." Her words linger. Why had I expected her to believe this? She knew me too well and knew the boys too-

"This is so exciting!" She squeaks through the phone.

"It is?" I question, confused on how I'd just gotten away with that.

"Umm duh! You actually got Roman to possibly settle down. Even if it only lasts a week, that's still huge! He does have a heart." She sighs longingly.

A heart is the last thing I expect him to have.

"Uh yeah. It's still really new so please don't tell anyone, okay?"

"My lips are sealed. Omg, can you meet me for breakfast tomorrow morning so we can share all the dets?"

I think back to Roman's rules.

"Umm, let me check and make sure I don't have anything else going on."

Heather squeaks through the phone once again. "You have to make sure you and Roman don't already have a breakfast date! This is so adorable. I could seriously cry right now."

Me too.

"Okay, well just text me okay?" She screams with excitement one last time before hanging the phone up.

I wasn't totally sure she'd believed I was actually hooking up with Roman. She knew I wasn't the type but just the fact that Roman was acknowledging me was enough for her to be excited.

End of flashback

I wake up to a knock on my door.

The door opens and I quickly cover myself with the blanket.

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