Chapter nine

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It had taken us about forty minutes to get to Roman's father's house.

When we pulled up, a black security gate was in front along with two security guards. The gate was solid metal and probably fifteen feet high. I couldn't see past it or see the house.

Who are they possibly trying to keep out?

"Nice to see you again Roman." The one guard says. He presses a button and the gate begins to open revealing a beautiful three story mansion.

My mouth drops.

"The first time is always a shock." Kai laughs.

I quickly close my mouth and stay quiet as the limo driver cruises into the long driveway and finally stops in the front of the house.

There had been at least fifty cars parked throughout the driveway.

"What kind of party is this?" I ask confused.

None of the boys respond. They start piling out of the car.

Carson reaches his hand back in to help me out but him and Kai walk off once I get to my feet.

Roman looks over at me and offers his arm. Without hesitation and a slight fear of making the wrong move, I loop my arm around his and we walk in together.

The inside was even more magnificent if that was even possible. The entryway was probably the size of my entire house. There was a large glass chandelier in the center of the ceiling and three large, arched walkways. On the left of the entryway there was a large, glass L-shaped staircase leading to the second floor. The floors were a white marble and the walls were white with light brown baseboards and unique designs placed throughout.

"It's beautiful." I whisper.

Roman shares a slight smile. "It's my father's most prized possession."

I held onto his words. Roman said it as if his father cared for this house more than anything else. Maybe there was a reason Roman turned out the way he did.

An older man begins walking up to Roman and I. He had blue eyes, short and thinned grey hair and stood a few inches shorter than Roman. He might've been 5"10. He was built well for his age though. I could see his bulky biceps stretching out the sleeves of his black suit. He had a black wire wrapped around his ear. Some type of Bluetooth talking device. I thought Roman was intimidating but as this man walked towards us with a firm glare, I started getting a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

He stops a few feet in front of Roman and I. I prepare for the worse.

His glare softens and he shares a small smile. "Roman, my boy, how are you?" They exchange a quick hug.

"I've been good." Roman smiles.

The man looks down at me and extends his hand.

"This is Jillian." Roman speaks.

"Jillian, I'm Castile Brooks." I softly shake the man's hand and share a smile.

"Pleasure to meet you my dear. Please come in. The party is right down here."

Roman nods and we follow his father through a hallway and into a party room where hundreds of people were gathered.

Her Involvement With The Mafia Leader's SonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora