Chapter twenty-nine

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As we pull up to the gated mansion, Heather tries to cover her excitement.

"So your dads an accountant?" She questions curiously.

Roman looks up at Heather with a straight face before finally lightening his glare and giving her a deceiving smile. "He does a lot of side jobs."

Heather nods slowly as we all get out of the car.

The guys begin to walk forward as Heather tugs my arm back and whispers into my ear. "My uncle Gary is an accountant and he lives in a one story condo."

"Those must be some important side jobs." I say while laughing uncomfortably.

Mr Brooks opens the door to great us. "I'm so glad you all could make it." His eyes land on me and his lip tugs upward on the left side of his mouth. "So nice to see you again Jillian."

He shakes my hand and we all make our way to the dining area.

The dining table was long. I could tell it would normally seat twelve but because only six of us had shown up, the chairs were all spaced rather far apart.

The table was set up with almost every Thanksgiving food I could imagine. I looked at everything in awe as one of the waiters set down a big ceramic bowl of gravy.

"I hope nothing disappoints." Mr. Brooks says as four different servers begin filling out plates with an assortment of food.

I look across the table at Heather who looked at me shocked while mouthing "what the fuck". She was seated next to Kai while I was seated next to Carson and Roman and Mr. Brooks were seated at each end of the table.

Silence fills the room for what seemed like an unhealthy amount of time until Heather speaks up.

"Will your mother not be joining us?" She asks Roman.

I freeze up. I had totally forgotten that it wasn't exactly known news on what happened to Roman's mother.

I look at Roman with a worried expression but he seemed to be calm and collected. He turns his head to Heather and gives her a soft smile. "Unfortunately, my mother passed when I was a young kid." He pauses. "Car accident."

"Oh my God! I am so sorry." Heather says as her cheeks redden from embarrassment.

He shakes his head. "Don't be. The driver was careless and got what he deserved."

My heart begins to beat a little faster, worried over where this discussion was headed.

Everyone stayed quiet for a few moments before Carson turned the conversation to Mr. Brooks, completely changing the subjects.

The three boys and Mr. Brooks begin chatting for the next fifteen minutes and Heather even pitched in a few jokes which everyone laughed along too.

I kept stealing glances at Roman to make sure he was okay but his expressions seemed distant, as if he was waiting for something to come up. Something that wasn't good.

"So Roman, I'll be honest, I'm surprised you and Jillian are both here today. No disrespect to you Jillian but Roman rarely ever takes interest in things or people for too long."

"Well father, both JJ and I have come to an agreement. Something that seems to be working well." Roman speaks.

Mr. Brooks smiles. "Good, I'm glad. I just hope you don't forget where you come from and what direction you're suppose to be following."

Roman smiles back. "How could I possibly forget? I am reminded every single day." Roman speaks louder than usual.

"Sometimes reminders are good. They keep us on the right path so that we aren't pulled in different directions by distractions." Mr. Brooks replies with a stern voice.

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