Chapter twenty six

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Heather shouts through my phone as soon as I answer it.

It was currently 5:32 am and I still wasn't fully processing what was happening.

"On this exact day and time, nineteen years ago, my best friend was born. Spending those first four months on earth without you were absolutely tragic."

She was always one for the dramatics.

I rub my eyes and yawn as a small smile begins to approach my mouth. "I love you." I say with gratification and exhaustion.

"We're still on for our birthday breakfast right?"

For the past ten years, Heather and I had a tradition. We'd take each other out for a birthday breakfast on each of our birthdays. What originally started as begging our parents to bring one of us to the others house for a breakfast cupcake, eventually turned into us taking each other out at our now favorite, but extremely expensive, breakfast spot in the city which was why we only went twice a year.

"The day I say no to Giovanni's Palace is the day you need to admit me to the psych ward." I look over at my clock and groan. "But do you think the birthday girl could get in a few more hours of sleep before we go?"

Heather laughs. "Considering I've been up all morning trying to finish my paper for Mrs. Buchanan class, I'd say we could both use a little extra sleep. How's 10:00 sound?"

"See ya then." I say before ending the call and slowly drifting back to sleep.


I wake up to the small noises of Carson and Kai arguing downstairs.

I look over at my clock which shows 8:54 am.

I groan, still somewhat exhausted and get up from bed.

As I open the door I hear Kai's voice.

"Dude, Roman clearly stated she liked the color green."

Carson groans. "Kai are you kidding me right now? He said forest green. FOREST. Not some ugly lime green."

"Why does it even matter? They're balloons. Normal people go out and grab red, pink, orange and blue and call it a day."

Confused, I make my way down the steps to see Carson and Kai holding a ton of balloons.

Carson sees me and smacks Kai's arm.

"Happy birthday!" They say unsynchronized.

I look around the room to see a happy birthday banner, tons of lime and forest green balloons, a few gifts and a stack of pancakes with birthday candles on top.

I look at the two and smile. "How did you know it was my birthday?"

"Actually we didn't until Roman woke us up at six in the morning and sent us out to get all of these things." Kai finishes just as Carson smacks the back of his head.

He glares at Carson before looking back at me. "Don't worry, Carson didn't make the pancakes, Roman did."

"You know what? Sorry I'm not a better cook but you don't always have to complain about my pancakes, at least I made you anything." Carson says to Kai.

"I would've rather starv-"

"Guys!" I shout, cutting the two off. "Thank you." I smile graciously and walk up to hug both of them.

They smile back at me.

"So where is Roman?" I ask.

"He said he had to go out and do a few things but that he'd be back around three." Kai responds. "He also said you could open his gifts without him. Carson and I also got you a little something." He winks at me and Carson sighs.

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