Chapter twenty-seven

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"I know I agreed to come with you but what are we doing here?" I ask Roman as I look around the large empty parking lot.

Heather and I had finished our brunch and by the time I got back home Roman was dragging me to his car.

So here we were. Inside the car, parked outside an old abandoned factory.

"Happy Birthday JJ." Roman says softly.

"You..." I look around. "You got me a warehouse?"

He smirks. "No, sorry to disappoint." He pauses. "You're nineteen. It's time."

I didn't want to still get anxious around Roman but truth was, everything I had experienced with him was traumatizing. I wasn't sure I'd ever lose that feeling and of course the first thing that came into my head was the thought that Roman brought me here to kill me.

After all, it was secluded. Nobody would know. People rarely even come out this far. It would probably be weeks before they found my body.

"Jesus JJ, are you serious?" Roman's words snap me out of my thoughts.


"You're shaking. You think I brought you all the way up here so I can kill you?"

I stay quiet but shake my head no. Roman eyes me for a few moments in complete disbelief.

"I brought you here because it's time you learned how to drive. Properly that is."

"Do you not recall when I saved us from those two guys after your father's party?"

"Saved us? You nearly killed us and a few pedestrians just trying to get out of the driveway."

He wasn't entirely wrong.

The first thirty minutes were absolutely tragic. I hit almost every curb I was near, couldn't figure out how to park in one lane instead of in the middle of two and to top it off Roman wouldn't stop yelling at me.

"How can you not see the curb!" Roman shouts as the right tire climbs up another curb.

"They're in my blind spot. Stop yelling at me Roman!" I shout back.

On the verge of giving up, I finally park the car perfectly inside the marked lines. Roman gives me a genuine smile for my small success and I decide to keep trying.

After two hours I had successfully parked the car in the parking spot multiple times, forward and backwards. I also successfully managed to parallel park a few times. I wasn't entirely ready to give up my winning strike so I decided to stop while I was ahead.

We get out of the car and lean back onto it, looking out as the sun had began to set and a orange glow covered the entire warehouse.

"Admit it, I'm pretty good huh?" I smile at Roman.

He rolls his eyes. "You're not exactly Mario Andretti and although this should have been a basic skill for you three years ago," He pauses. "You did pretty good today." He finally smiles. "Which is why I feel comfortable giving you this."

He pulls a small bag from behind his back. "Happy birthday."

I eye him suspiciously while opening the small bag up.

I pull out a car key set.

My eyes widen in disbelief. "You're not? did you?" I couldn't even form coherent sentences.

"Don't make such a big deal about it. It's only a 2017 and I managed to haggle the price a bit. I couldn't pass it up." He nods his head over towards the red car at the far end of the lot.

My mouth drops. "Roman I-"

"It's a gift. Sorry, no returns." He says with a straight face.

Trying to compose myself I finally let out a wide smile. "There's no way I can accept this."

He looks down at me and smiles slightly. "It's yours. That's an order." He teases. "2017 Honda Civic. It's a pretty reliable car. It should last you long enough to finally make your way to more exciting hiking spots. I hear Yosemite is pretty nice."

I stand there unable to think of the right words so instead I pull him into a tight hug. To my surprise, he hugs me back, wrapping his arms around my lower back.

After a few moments he pulls away and slowly begins running his hands up my body until both of his palms are resting on the bottoms of my cheeks.

He stares down at me intensely before aggressively pulling me into a kiss.

I kiss him back and quickly open my mouth so his tongue could enter. He grips both his hands onto my thighs and quickly hoists me up as I wrap my legs around his waist. I run my hands through his hair, tightly pulling small chunks as I continue to kiss him.

He slowly backs up and presses a button on his key fob which opens the passenger door to the Lamborghini.

He quickly slides in and sits down so that I'm sitting on his lap. I pull away and study him as the orange glow covers his face causing his green eyes to look a lighter than normal. Lust filled his face. I quickly begin to unbutton his shirt as he begins running his tongue down my neck. A moan escapes my lips as his tongue slowly meets the corner of my collarbone.

Getting undressed inside the car didn't come without it's difficulty but after a few moments of struggling and making out, both of our clothes end up in the back seat.

Roman grabs a handful of my hair and yanks it back until my ear meets his lips.

"Turn around." He demands.

I obey and turn around so that my back was now touching his bare chest. He smoothly rolls a condom on and sits me down in his lap.

A loud gasps escapes my mouth as he forcefully enters inside of me. He wraps his arms around my waist as I begin riding him.

"You're so fucking good!" He says into my ear while bringing his left hand down and starts rubbing me until multiple moans leave my mouth.

He uses his free hand to cover my mouth.

My entire body begins to warm up as I soak his fingers. Muffled moans fill his hand as I begin to bounce up and down even faster, trying to keep the same pace he was with me.

Tears begin to fall from my eyes and onto his hand as I climax onto him.

The rest of the evening flies in a blur of moans and lust and that was the night it hit me, I hadn't just come back for Roman, I came back for myself. I wanted to be here.

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