01 - Death Of A King.

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Prince Namjoon was tired. Hell it was not even 10 o'clock in the morning but he was damn exhausted. He had been overseeing the king's duties in addition to his own because his father is sick.

His father, the king, has been sick for sometime now. He had a weak heart condition from being poisoned when he was young and finally, it has become lethal now. So Namjoon, as the crown prince of the country, if swamped with responsibilities.

He looks up from the paper he was reviewing to look at the head of his guard, Hoseok, who had a sympathetic gaze.

"Why don't you take a break, your highness? Shall I ask one of the maids to bring you some refreshments?" Hoseok asked in a tender voice.

Hoseok has been prince Namjoon's guard for a long time now. Namjoon has been named as the crown prince at the age of 15 and Hoseok assumed the leadership of his guard almost 5 years ago. They have been close friends.

"No break, I need to finish this and one more before the morning end. But some refreshments would be nice." Prince Namjoon said with a sigh and Hoseok immediately got up from his seat to make the necessary arrangements.

Prince Namjoon was busy with work when his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Jin, his husband and the crown princess, per se.

"Hey Jinnie." Prince Namjoon greeted his husband with as much as cheerfulness as he could gather.

He didn't want Jin to worry about him more than he already did. But it was of no use, as something was already wrong and Jin was crying softly.

"Joonie..  J-joonie..."

"Jin! Baby what's wrong?!"

"F-father.. h-he passed away."

Prince Namjoon felt his heart tighten at those words. Yes, they knew it was close and inevitable but it still came as a shock.

There was a running sound and prince Namjoon lifted his head to see Hoseok running in. Judging by his face, he has already gotten the message.

"I need to go to my father's room." Prince Namjoon said absent mindedly and tried to make his way to the door but Hoseok quickly stopped him.

"You have to wait till the commander Yoongi gets here, your majesty." Hoseok says with a deep bow.

The new addressing suprised prince Namjoon. With a jolt, he realises that Hoseok is correct. As he was the crown prince, he will be the next king of this country and thus he now can't move anywhere without the king's guard, led by commander Yoongi.

"O-ok." Prince Namjoon let himself sit back in his chair as they both wait for Yoongi. After about 10 minutes, there was a knock at the door and Yoongi, followed by 6 more guards, comes in to the room.

He falls to one knee and looks at prince Namjoon steadily. The rest of his crew immediately followed.

"I, Min Yoongi, commander of the king's guard, hereby beg your majesty's permission to assume our duty as your protectors." Yoongi said as he bowed his head.

That was the protocol. Commander Yoongi is actually prince Namjoon's best friend but he has to follow the royal tradition.

"Yes. You can proceed." Prince Namjoon replied and Yoongi gets up from the floor, his eyes never leaving Namjoon's face, offering him a silent support.

"I want to see my father." Namjoon says again and Yoongi gives a curt nod.

"As you wish, your majesty."

'Your majesty!' Namjoon feels weird to be addressed like that after all those years he heard it directed at his father. But that's what Namjoon is now.
The king looks peaceful in his death, more peaceful than prince Namjoon has seen in recent months, when his face was always pulled tight in pain. But now, he looks as if he was sleeping.

Prince Namjoon hugged his mother who was silently shedding tears and sneaked a hand around Jin too. They stayed like that for a while, silently comforting eachother as they morn the death of a beloved husband and a father.

Yoongi comes and stands few feet away. Prince Namjoon only has to glance at his best friends face to know that he has something important to say.

He untangled himself from his mother's and Jin's embrace and follows Yoongi to the study.

"What is it Yoongi?" Namjoon asked as Yoongi closed the door.

"Your majesty-" Yoongi started to speak but Namjoon cuts him off.

"Yoongi." Namjoon says in a stern voice and Yoongi knows what it is about.

He has to be professional in public but when they were alone, they were just best friends. Yoongi gives a sigh and starts again.

"You need to make the call."

Namjoon looked at him in dismay. Another protocol that Namjoon has to follow but he absolutely hates this one.

"Is there anyway we can disregard this one? Work around it maybe." Namjoon asked from Yoongi, even though he knows the answer very well.

"You know we can't. I don't like it anymore than you do but we don't have a choice."

"He's gonna hate me!" Namjoon said as he ran a hand over his face.

"Ofcause he won't Joonie. He knows you have no choice. He has to come for the f-funaral anyway." Yoongi's voice shake a bit at the end and Namjoon picks up on it immediately.

"I'm sorry Yoongi, how are you holding up?"

"Barely here" Yoongi whispered. "He was like a father to me too. I'll miss him dearly."

A silent followed for few seconds before Yoongi looks at Namjoon with determination.

"But that will not affect my work. Right now, my duty is to you. I will protect you with my life, your majesty."

Namjoon gives a nod. He's relieved to have Yoongi by his side as he trusts him with his life. That is one of the reasons that Namjoon's father chose Yoongi as the commander of king's guard.

He knew Namjoon will need all the support he can when he steps up as the king. What better way to provide that than making his best friend learn what needs to be done to navigate the tasks of a king. Yoongi will guide him when the king himself in not able to.

"Ok. Make the call." Namjoon said in defeating tone.

Yoongi bows again and leave the room. He has to contact Hoseok and make arrangements to bring back the person, who is the next in line for the throne.

As per the protocol, the next person in line for the throne has to be named immediately. He needed to be brought back and named as the crown prince the moment Namjoon takes the mantel as the king.

Hoseok, the head of crown prince's guard and the rest of them need to be immediately dispatched to be positioned with the prince for his safety. And they need to move fast.
Namjoon is deep in thoughts. His heart is wary as he now gave the command to take back what he once fought really hard to achieve. His younger brother's freedom.

'I'm sorry Tae, but you need to come back.'

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