12 - I Kind Of Miss Him.

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Jungkook looked at the sunset in boredom. Although it's the same sunset, Jungkook feels that it looked different from the palace. He's laying on his bed at home. And he misses the palace, much more that he thought.

After the crown prince removed him from the prince's protection detail, Hoseok told him to go home. Technically Jungkook is still employed, but Hoseok felt it would he better to give the younger a break.

Hoseok know that Jungkook is the one with the blame, 100%, but he also knows how much the job meant to the younger. He has been training so hard and join the royal guard to make is father proud but now, it's not possible.

So for the past 2 weeks, Jungkook has been staying in his home in Busan, with his mother and sister. And there wasn't a day that he didn't missed the palace.
Taehyung groaned again. One of the projects that he's overseeing is not going according to plan. There's always something wrong with, well, everything. Sometime the materials doesn't get delivered on time. If the materials are delivered on time, then there's some issue with the workers.

"What am I missing?!" Taehyung muttered to himself as he looked at the reports and forecasted draft again.

Hoseok was looking at the crown prince in sympathy. It must be hard to manage work when you are not familiar with what you are working with. Hoseok doesn't want to overstep his boundaries but he just couldn't watch the prince suffering alone.

"Your highness." Hoseok called in a soft voice to get the prince's attention.

"Hmm..... yes, I'm sorry Hoseok did you say something?" Taehyung asked with a soft smile, instantly making Hoseok feel warmer.

"What is it that's troubling you? Maybe I can help. I'm quite familiar with this field. " Hoseok said in a cautious voice. "I apologise it I seem out of line, your highness."

"Nonsense!! I'll be grateful if you can help Hoseok. Come look at this." Taehyung waived him forward with a clearly relieved sigh. "Look at these numbers. There is something I'm not getting here."

Hoseok walked to stand behind the prince and both of them looked at the reports and various drafts. It all seemed ok. Hoseok thought for a few seconds and something clicked in his mind.

"Your highness, can I see the contractor and facilitator detail."

Taehyung looked suprised at the request but showed him the documents with those details.

"Aaahh... I see." Hoseok muttered quietly but Taehyung catches it nevertheless.


"Uhh.... your highness... I don't know how to put this properly.. I don't want to accuse someone without proof." Hoseok seemed nervous.

"You just put it how you see, Hoseok. I'll decide whether an accusation is in order or not." Taehyung said in a stern voice.

"Uhh... ok. Your highness, the contractor is one of the best in the country and the king himself choose him. But that's not the candidate the minister had put forth for the project. The minister wanted one of his cousins to get the project, but the king ofcause overruled him."

"Your saying it's a sabotage?" Taehyung picked up on what the captain is trying to say.

"All the numbers seemed to add up. The project should go without any hitch unless..." Hoseok let his words hang in the air.

He knows what he's implying and that he shouldn't do that without any proof but that's the only explanation he could some up with.

Taehyung thought about it for a minute. Yes, that would explain the issues that they were having.

"How much power does the minister have to interfere with the contractor's work?" Taehyung asked from Hoseok.

"I would say he has sufficient amount. He could easily intercept the workers and material providers."

"Ok. Get my secretary to prepare a meeting this evening with the minister, contractor, facilitators and everyone else related to this project. Here, this file should have all the details. Make sure everyone is there. I want to sort this out today itself." Taehyung said as he handed over a file to the captain.

"Your highness, if I may offer a suggestion.. wouldn't it be better to check this discreetly before-" Hoseok tried to caution but the prince cut him off with a humorless laugh.

"Hoseok, I don't do discreet. Please get the meeting ready." Taehyung said dismissively and Hoseok gave a bow in return.

Hoseok has never seen the prince use his authority like this but it was very charismatic. The prince seemed to be more strict than even king Namjoon. He's not someone you should mess with.

And the meeting proved it without a doubt to anyone. The prince commanded the meeting with an intimidating voice and by the end of it, the minister accepted that he messed with the work.

The prince immediately sacked the minister, with a command issued for the deputy minister to step up till the king decided a suitable candidate.

Soon the word spread about the crown prince's actions and the people were very impressed.
Taehyung and Hoseok was in the office chambers one evening, just finishing up some work. They have somewhat became friends after the affair of the project and Hoseok has been great help for the prince when navigating the unfamiliar power struggles of the palace.


"Yes, your highness.."

"What's...uhh.... is Jungkook still in the palace?"

Taehyung looked at the captain in a timid way and Hoseok gave a sympathetic smile.

"No, I sent him back to his home in Busan."

"Ohh...is he...uhh..  he must be happy to be home again."

"Actually, I'm sure he's not, your highness. It's his dream to work in the royal guard." Hoseok replied with a dry laugh. "He's probably hating it there."

"Oh... then why?"

"I thought it might be easier for you...if that stupid brat wasn't around... your highness."

Taehyung gave a laugh at that and Hoseok laughed too.

"Well, he's a brat alright." Taehyung said in a sad tone, which did not get missed by the captain.

"But he's not a bad person, your highness. Just stupid... and stubborn. Damn stubborn."

"I can see that. Well it's not like I also offered an explanation or anything. I just snapped at him, always at the wrong moment."

"No your highness. None of this is your fault." Hoseok was quick to assure the prince and Taehyung gave a grateful smile at the captain for that.

"You can bring him back. I will keep my word so don't put him on my protective detail but you can give him any other work. I don't mind."

Hoseok was really suprised. He didn't think the prince will forgive Jungkook after what the younger had done.

"You'll forgive him?!" Hoseok couldn't stop the words that came out.

"What choice do I have?" Taehyung said is such a quite voice and Hoseok felt his heart ache at that. "I kind of miss him." Taehyung said with a sigh and closed his eyes.

Hoseok waited without making any sound. He was amazed at the depth of the prince's affection for the guard. Too bad that stupid mutt is not able to understand that.

Hoseok decided to call Jungkook the next day and ask him to come back. And maybe try to put some sense in to that thick skull of the younger guard.
A/N - so just another filler chapter. Hope it was not boring. More drama is soon to follow. 🙂🙂

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