33 - Making Amends.

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Taehyung immediately ran to the younger and looked at him. Jungkook's face was tight with what Taehyung assumed was pain. He just couldn't figure out whether it's from the heartache or from the stiffened muscles of his leg.

"Oh my God!! Kook, you fool, why were you standing here all this time?" Taehyung groaned as he dragged the younger by his arm and led him to sit on a chair.

"Why were you this late?" Jungkook asked in a small voice and Taehyung felt a tug at his heart up hearing the vulnerability of it.

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep in hyung's room." Taehyung explained softly.

"I-I t-thought you p-punished me like that time at the university." Jungkook looked like a pouting kid.

"Kook, I wasn't punishing you. I just fell asleep. Ok?" Taehyung quickly assured and the younger gave a nod at that.

"It's ok even if you were punishing me. This is nowhere enough for what I did. You can punish me more if you want."

"I don't want to do anything of the sort." Taehyung said as he rolled his eyes.

"You should, I've been an asshole. I deserve much, much more."

Taehyung shook his head dismissively and walked towards the fridge to get a drink for the guard. He handed over to Jungkook his favourite drink, banana milk, and got himself a cherry cola.

They had their drinks in silence and  neither of them wanted to break this kind of a truce that they were having. But Jungkook knows they can't let things hang in the air like that and broke the silence after they finished with their drinks.

"You were right about Yugyeom." Jungkook said in a small voice.

"Oh... took you long enough. How did you figured it out?" Taehyung couldn't help his annoyed tone.

"I-I went to meet him today. And kind of asked him about it." Jungkook gulped nervously.

Taehyung was intrigued against his will. "And....?"

"He... uhhh.... he kissed me." Jungkook whispered.

Taehyung felt a pang of jealousy ran through his mind. He would later deal with the fact that another man had kissed his boyfriend, but right now he had to listen to what Jungkook had to say about it. "And....?"

"I-I sort of  pushed him back." Jungkook said with a soft smile.

"Oh..." Taehyung felt a sense of relief ran through his body and released a breath that he didn't even knew he was holding. "Ok."

"Don't you wanna know why?" Jungkook asked again in a soft voice.

Taehyung looked deep in thoughts. Yes, he would. very much like to know the reason.

"Why?" Taehyung whispered, his voice thick with emotions.

"Because I-I" Jungkook paused to take a breath and calm himself. "I love you."

"What?" Taehyung actually thought he misheard him.

"I love you, T-taehyung. With all my heart. I love you."

The younger's voice was soft as a gentle breeze but Taehyung could feel the sincerity of it clearly.

Tae felt his heart soar in happiness at the words that he didn't even knew he was waiting to hear. His world finally felt perfect. This was the first time ever that Jungkook said his name.

He always addressed the prince in a respectful way saying 'your highness'. sometimes Jungkook addressed him as 'my prince' when he was feeling extra flirtatious but never by the name.

Taehyung was too shocked to even reply to that and Jungkook continued after few seconds of silence. But his voice was little shaky and oozing with nervousness.

"I-it's o-ok if you don't feel the same way, I j-just wanted to let you know how I feel. You are not obliged to say anything." Jungkook said as his cheeks turned slightly pick with being mortified.

Taehyung just looked at the babbling mess in front of him. He wanted nothing more than to pull the younger in to a hug and assure his flustered boyfriend that, he too, loves him very much.

But the younger guard was looking so adorable right now and Taehyung wanted to see him like that for a just a tiny bit longer. Jungkook did say that Taehyung should punish him.

"So please believe me.. I didn't meant it at all when I said that you just wanted to get in to my pants. I never thought about you like that. E-every touch was more than welcomed. I l-love the way you t-touch me, Taehyung. I love you."

Jungkook was looking close to crying by now and Taehyung felt an admiration for the younger's courage. He knows very well how hard it must have been for Jungkook to bare his heart out like that. The stubborn guard is not a person who would normally step down and do things like this.

"Say that again" Taehyung whispered and Jungkook looked even more mortified. But he complied anyway.

"I l-love you." Jungkook muttered softly.

Taehyung gave a chuckle at that and pulled the younger guard up and held him close by his waist. He gently stroked the younger's face.

"As much as I love to hear about your deepest feelings for me, that's not what I meant this time." Taehyung mused and Jungkook looked up in confusion.

"Say my name." Taehyung said in a soft voice and Jungkook looked even more confused.



"Taehyung..." Jungkook said again, this time with a small smile.

Taehyung chuckled to himself. If there was anything that could confirm the fact that the younger now regards him as an equal, it was this. Addressing him with his name shows that Jungkook now accepted their relationship without their titles and positions.

That was the thing Taehyung wanted the most.

"So, will you forgive me?" Jungkook asked in a regretful voice, making Taehyung remember that they were, in fact, fighting.

"Hmm.... should I? Do you think you deserve it?" Taehyung asked in fake serious voice.

"N-no, I guess I don't." Jungkook hung his head down in shame. "It's o-ok if you d-don't forgive me this time. I'm sorry." Jungkook said in a sad voice and Taehyung cooed internally at the guard's adorable ways.

"I forgive you, Kook. Let's just forget this ever happened ok. And in case you are wondering, I love you too. So so much." Taehyung said in a gentle voice and Jungkook felt his heart doing a back flip.

"You do?" Jungkook whispered and Taehyung gave a reassuring smile.

"Of course I love you, Kook. I have loved you for a very long time. How did you think you survived all those times that you practically insulted me in worst way possible, infront of everyone? Huh..?" Taehyung said with a playful smirk and Jungkook gave a small nod.

"Now, there's a more pressing matter that I need to know right now." Taehyung said in a serious tone and Jungkook immediately gave him full attention.

"How sore are your legs from standing for so long?" Taehyung asked in a soft voice.

"Huh.. it's not sore at all. Why?" Jungkook replied curiously.

Taehyung pulled the guard closer to his body and whispered in to his ear.

"Cause if you are ok with it, I would like to make love to you, right now."

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