57 - A Duty To My Heart.

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Taehyung woke up in the morning to the sound of his phone ringing. He quickly untangled himself from Jungkook's embrace and walked to the living room. It was his brother.

"Good morning hyung.... oh-ok.... I'll be there.....no, you don't have to worry about it. I'll handle everything....thanks hyung."

Taehyung cut the line and thought for few seconds. He actually hoped to have some more time before he has to face this, but maybe it's better to get this over with sooner than later.

He went back in to the bedroom to see Jungkook still sleeping peacefully. Really, the younger can sleep through almost anything. Taehyung sat on the bed and shook the sleeping man.

"Kook, wake up!"

Jungkook got after few more times and looked at the prince with half open eyes.

"M-morning." Jungkook mumbled with a soft smile and Taehyung internally cooed at the sight.

"You need to get ready, love. Uhhh.... something came up." The prince's voice was serious enough to get Jungkook's full attention.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked in a concerned tone.

Taehyung didn't answer for few seconds but gently stroked the younger's hair. And when he spoke up, his voice was tight.

"King Hyunbin will be here shortly. He wants to discuss about the marriage."
Jungkook was nervous as hell as he followed the prince. The prince and his guards were on their way to king Namjoon's court room to welcome king Hyunbin.

Despite Taehyung's continues assurance that everything will be ok, Jungkook can't help but feel afraid. He regrets putting the prince in this mess so much.

Taehyung himself was little nervous as this isn't only about himself. The last thing he wants is a dispute with a powerful king like that. But you gotta stay true to your heart and that's exactly what he's planning to do.

Taehyung looked back at his boyfriend, walking a step behind him, who had a worried look on his face. Taehyung stopped and everyone else stopped in surprise.

"Can you guys... uhhh.... turn around a bit?"

If the prince looked uncomfortable saying this, Hoseok and rest of the guards looked utterly mortified. But they turned back immediately. And to the prince's dismay, so did Jungkook.

Taehyung sighed before grabbing the younger by his arms and turning him back to face him.

"Not you, you fool!" Taehyung whispered in an amused voice.

"Oh-" Jungkook looked little flustered.

"Hey, when we go in there, I don't want you to say anything or do anything, basically don't do anything that will draw the attention to you, ok. Let me handle everything."

Taehyung gave the younger a soft smile but Jungkook looked back with a annoyed face, making Taehyung groan.

"Kook, I'm not letting you go inside if you don't promise me that you will behave. No matter what happens, you will not do anything, not a single word. Can you promise me that?" Taehyung asked a little sternly this time but Jungkook still looked like a stubborn brat.

"But what if-"

"Nope. I need your word. Or you stay outside."

Jungkook looked little murderous for few seconds before nodding his head.

Taehyung gave a soft kiss to Jungkook's forehead and released the younger. He cleared his throat loudly before speaking up.

"You can turn around." Taehyung looked at the captain and shared a look before pushing Jungkook behind him, making the younger huff in annoyance.

His Royal Guard - Taekook Love Story Where stories live. Discover now