54 - I'll Fix Everything.

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Princess Jisoo looked at the man beside her. She had to admit, prince Taehyung was perfect in every possible way. He was polite, intelligent and smoking hot. She would have loved to have him as her husband.

Of course, that was before she looked at the man's eyes. Princess Jisoo noticed the painful look that prince Taehyung had and it didn't took her long to realize that he's suffering from a heartbreak.

She actually wanted to get out of the palace as soon as she realized this but also wanted to know whatever they were trying to fool her or whether it was something else. She couldn't believe the royal family of Korea thought she wouldn't notice it cause she was quiet known for her intuition.

So she let the play go on for few days as she wanted to know whatever prince Taehyung is sincere in his intentions regarding her. If he had suffered a heartbreak and was looking for a genuine chance to start over, Jisoo decided that she will help him.

She was sure she could get him to love her gradually, but only if he was over whoever who had his heart before. Jisoo is not someone who would come between two lovers. But after talking and spending time with the prince, it was very clear that the prince did not have even the slightest space in his heart for another.

And as it happened, she noticed the one who had taken over the prince's heart too. There was this equally hot looking guard who clearly was having the same look in his eyes and him and the prince seemed to be taking turns to look at each other.

Such obvious fools of love.

The prince and princess was taking a walk in the garden one evening, as it was their normal routine for the past few days

"So." Jisoo said and Taehyung looked at her in attention. "That guard is the one right? What's his name?"

Taehyung stopped in his tracks.

"W-what?" Taehyung stuttered as he clearly didn't know what to say.

Jisoo turned to the prince and held his gaze. This was a time for the truth and Jisoo intended know it even if the prince himself won't say it. She's very good at reading people.

"The one you're tying to forget, make jealous or hurt or whatever by agreeing to take a chance with me. Or is anyone forcing you in to this?"

Taehyung gasped in surprise and Jisoo raised her eyebrows at that.

"Please, prince Taehyung, don't insult my intelligence. I can see the way you two look at each other and it doesn't take a genius to figure things out. What I want to know is what happened between you two. Why are you agreeing for a marriage when you are clearly in love with someone else? I think I deserve to know the truth."

Prince Taehyung looked down in dismay. He didn't except the princess to be clued in this early but he can't deny the fact that she indeed has a right to know.

So Taehyung told her the story. Everything that had happened and everything that is set to happen in future. And his inability to change things.

Jisoo listened to everything and looked really surprised at the end.

"Wah... this is bad!! How stupidly selfless can he be? A person should learn to be atleast a little selfish once in a while. Specially when it comes to love!" Jisoo looked little angry even and Taehyung gave a laugh at that.

The action felt little strange to his heart as this was the first genuine laugh he had in a while. And evidently, Jisoo noticed it too.

The princes gave a soft smile and raised her hand to touch his cheek. Taehyung was surprised but didn't push her hand away. It didn't felt like she had a wrong intention.

"That must be the first time I saw you with a real laugh. It's... beautiful." Jisoo said in a soft voice as she caressed the prince's face. "He seemed like a good person Taehyung. A little stupid but his heart is definitely in the right place. Don't loose him. Ok?"

"Thank you Jisoo. I-I'm sorry if it looked like I tried to deceive you. I sware that was not my intention." Taehyung replied in a sincere voice as he held the hand that was touching his face and Jisoo gave a nod at that.

"He just said some things and I got so angry and I just... lost my head, really. I didn't know what I was thinking when I agreed to this marriage." Taehyung said in a shameful voice and Jisoo looked at him is surprise.

"Agreed?!! You didn't agree to this yet. Didn't you say that you wanted some time for us to get to know each other and then we will decide if we are ready for this??" Jisoo asked in a confused voice.

"What? No I told hyung to send the reply as-" Taehyung stopped mid sentence as they both realized what Namjoon had done.

Nothing was agreed yet. They can back out without any issue.

Taehyung felt his legs gave out under him and he stumbled forward a bit and Jisoo instinctively held him by his arms to prevent him from falling.

Taehyung took few deep breaths to calm himself down and then he was laughing. He was laughing so hard that tears started to fall from his eyes. His happy and relieved laugh echoed through the ground.

After few seconds, princess Jisoo joined the laugh too. She couldn't help it, it was definitely contagious. They both sat down on the grass, holding their sides as they were now aching from laughing too much. It took them few more minutes to calm down.

"I would love to have an elder brother like king Namjoon. It must be nice to have someone reliable like that." Jisoo said as she looked at the man beside her, who for the first time, looked like a living person.

"You have one now. Me. Consider me as your brother. No matter what happens with this mess, you will always have me, and Namjoon to back you. We will be your brothers from now on." Taehyung pulled the surprised princess in to a hug and after the initial shock, she hugged him back.

They were both happy over how things resolved between them and didn't notice the guard that was looking at them with a pained eyes.

Jungkook couldn't hear what they were talking and could only see them. And what he saw, broke his heart to million pieces. This is exactly what he hoped for but he was definitely not ready for this scene.

To see the man you love, happy with someone else, laughing and hugging another person, was not something he could watch. He fought the urge to run over there and pull his love away from the other person. 'He's mine!!' He wanted to scream for the world to hear.

Jungkook felt a hand on his shoulder and looked to the side to see Hoseok looking at him with a concerned gaze.

"Go! Get out of here. I'll handle the prince of he asks." Hoseok said with a sad voice and Jungkook gave a nod at that.

Jungkook turned around and ran away, he didn't had a specific place to go, just wanted to go away from there.

Taehyung looked over to where the guards were standing just in time to see Jungkook running off. A frown came to his face and Jisoo looked at that direction too.

"Oh God!! I'm sorry, I forgot he was there. He must have misunderstood us. Taehyung, we should-"

"Relax.." Taehyung gave her a reassuring smile. "I'll fix it. I'll fix everything."

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