03 - First Impressions Are Important.

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Jungkook looked at the man with disgust. As much as he love to teach him a lesson, he's on duty. Hoseok would kill him if he made a scene here.

"Look, I would love to have a chat with you but unfortunately, I don't have the time." Jungkook gives a one last look at the man and walked towards the door.

"Oh.... come on!! don't be like that now. Are you running away? Is the wee baby scared?" The man said in a mock cooing voice, making Jungkook stop in his tracks.

"You know what?" Jungkook turns back and glared at the other. "I think I have a minute or two to spare."

The man gives a chuckle as Jungkook strode towards him. Jungkook tries to punch him but the man dodged it easily and Jungkook stumbled to the side.

He looked at the man again and realises his mistake. Jungkook thought this was just another dumb bully and tried to just punch his face and get it over with but this man is clearly trained in combat.

He adjusted his stance to a more professional one and the man raised his eyebrows at that. They have both assessed each other and now all there is left to do is fight.

In a split second, Jungkook is again at the man's throat and they fight. They fight for about 30 seconds without being able to land a hit or punch before the room door burst opens abruptly.

Both of them instinctively turned towards the door, grabbing each other's shirt collars and hand raised in air to deliver a punch. Hoseok stands there, with his mouth opened in pure horror.

"Jungkook, release!! right now!!" Hoseok thundered and Jungkook released the other man immediately and they both take few step back.

Jungkook is ashamed of himself for being in this kind of a situation but before he could apologise to his captain, Hoseok strode pass him and drops to one knee in front of the other man.

"Your h-highness.." Hoseok says in a clearly troubled voice and Jungkook looked up to see the man with wide eyes. The man, or rather the prince, looks back at him with the same suprised eyes.

After the initial shock, Jungkook drops to his knees too. "Your highness, I-I..-" Jungkook tried to speak but the prince cuts him off mid sentence.

"Who are you?" Gone are the playful and teasing voice. This is a voice of a powerful prince.

"I'm Jung Hoseok, your highness. The captain of the crown prince's guard. Me and my men are here to assume our duty as your protectors and escort you back home." Hoseok dutifully answered and handed him the package given by commander Yoongi.

Prince Taehyung takes the package from his hand and looked at it. He opened it after verifying the royal seal and looked inside. There was a letter and one of his brother's prized possessions.

Taehyung opened the letter and read it. Namjoon has explained what has happened and that he's required back home.

Taehyung feels his throat tightened at the news of his father's death. He may have not been the best son but he loved his father very much. Taehyung takes few moments to rein in his sorrows as he didn't want to break down in front his guard.

"Very well, stand up!" Taehyung said in a commanding voice and both Hoseok and Jungkook stood up immediately.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, who were standing with a uncomfortable look and felt an anger rising in his chest. If he had been honest with himself, he would have known that he's not actually angry at Jungkook or of their little fight.

He was angry at this situation, angry at himself for not being there in the last moments of his father's life. Angry at himself for failing in his duties as a son. But mostly he was angry at the world that he belonged to, for making him loose his freedom.

And he needed a outlet to venture this anger boiling inside of him. Soon.

Taehyung walked toward Jungkook. "So... you are a royal guard." It wasn't a question but Jungkook knew he had to answer. But before he could open his mouth, Hoseok spoke up.

"Your highness, I humbly apologise for the mista-"

"I wasn't talking to you!!" Taehyung thundered and Hoseok immediately shuts his mouth and looked down.

"Don't move." Taehyung said in a quite voice which sounded more dangerous than his yelling and Jungkook gulped nervously.

Jungkook knows he has fucked up so bad, there's nothing left for him to do but wait for his punishment. As he dared to touch the prince, he will have to pay it with his life.

Taehyung tried to put his hand inside of Jungkook's coat and Jungkook raised his hand to block it instinctively. Which happened to be the wrong move as Taehyung immediately gives him a death glare.

"I thought I told you not to move." Taehyung said again in a quite voice and Jungkook let his hand fall to his side.

He stared at a spot in the wall behind Taehyung's head and braces himself for whatever that comes next. He knows he deserve it.

Taehyung put his hand to the inside pocket of Jungkook's coat again, his hand lightly glazing Jungkook's waist. Taehyung then put his hand in to the other side and finds what he's been looking for.

It was Jungkook's ID card, issued to him by the royal palace. Taehyung looked at it for few seconds before looking up again.

"So.. you're Jeon Jungkook?" Taehyung asked again in that same quite voice.

"Y-yes your highness." Jungkook answered with a nervous stutter.

"Any relation to Jeon Junghyun?" Taehyung asked as he searches Jungkook's face as if trying to figure out something.

"He's my father, your highness." Jungkook knows he looked a lot like his father. The resemblance is very prominent.

A recognition flashed in Taehyung mind but he pushed it back for now. He put the ID card back in Jungkook's pocket and fixed his coat a bit.

"Well, guess we should go. There are somethings I need to do here before I leave." Taehyung said as looked around at Hoseok and Hoseok immediately gave a bow.

"As you wish, your highness."

Taehyung then looked back at Jungkook and the guard is sure he saw something sinister in his eyes.

"And you, tough guy, stay here, ok? And don't move." Taehyung said in that sickly cooing voice again and leaves the room without looking back.

Hoseok give an unreadable look to Jungkook before following the prince out.

Jungkook let's out the breath that he has been holding and braces himself to stand there, in the middle of the room, for God knows how long.

And he, most definitely, will not move an inch.

His Royal Guard - Taekook Love Story Where stories live. Discover now