34 - Let The Fun Begin. (M)

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A/N - so mature contents ahead and kids should go away when the 🔥🔥 mark appears. But I know you'll are not gonna listen to me so I'm just gonna assume you all are over 18 for the sanity of my mind. Enjoy.  😍😍
"Cause if you are ok with it, I would like to make love to you, right now."

Jungkook felt goosebumps all over his body. He gave a soft smile in return to the prince who was now looking at him with darkened eyes.

"I would like that very much, my prince." Jungkook replied with the most flirtatious way he could manage.

Taehyung's face broke in to a shy smile at the Younger's response. He loves it when Jungkook becomes playful or bratty.

"Hmmm... so, where do you want it?" Taehyung asked again with a teasing manner and Jungkook took the challenge.

Jungkook looks around for few seconds. "There" he pointed to the bedroom and Taehyung gave a nod.

Taehyung was just about to make a move when Jungkook spoke up again

"And there." The younger pointed to the sofa in the living room.

Taehyung smiled with an amused face but the guard was not yet done.

"And then there, on the table" This time Jungkook was pointing to the prince's office room.

Taehyung was chuckling by now.

"And here too." This time it was the kitchen.

"Kook, I was talking about today." Taehyung said in amused voice and Jungkook raised his eyebrows at that.

"So was I." Jungkook said in a serious tone.

Taehyung mentally counted the places Jungkook pointed out.

"One each?"

"One each. Or more." Jungkook replied with a shrug.

"Greedy little thing, aren't you?" Taehyung asked with a smirk and Jungkook nod his head at that.

"But seriously Kook, that's 4." Taehyung said in concerned voice this time.

"Yeah. Why? Afraid you can't handle it?" Jungkook asked in a teasing voice.

Taehyung pressed himself more on to the younger's body. "Oh Kook! I can give it as much as you want, don't you worry about that. But you're the one taking it up the ass. Are you sure you can handle it?"

Taehyung pulled out of the embrace just in time to see a confident smirk making it's way in to younger's face.

"I can take anything." Jungkook answered confidently.

"Have you done this before?" Taehyung asked in a serious voice again and Jungkook shook his head at that.

"I don't think it's about how tough you are kook. I don't want to hurt you."

"Oh my prince, that's exactly what I want. I want you to take me. And I want you to break me, in a way only you can." Jungkook leaned in and whispered against Taehyung's earlobe, making a tingle of excitement run through the prince's entire body.

"Ok." Taehyung said in a tight voice. "Whatever my guard wants. Let's see how it goes."

"Are you gonna talk all night or...." Jungkook gently glazed his finger over Taehyung's lips and Taehyung snatched his hand.

The prince twisted Jungkook's hand to his behind and pushed him forward towards his bedroom. Jungkook gave a chuckle and stopped after each two steps, making the prince roughly push him all the way.

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