Chapter Forty Seven

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R o s s

Laura and I were lying on the couch at her house watching some movie I had never heard of. I was actually pretty tired and I was drifting off to sleep. It was only the middle of the day but for some reason I was really sleepy. I think it's because I'm comfortable and there's a movie on.

I hear a phone ringing but I don't bother opening my eyes, actually I don't think I could open them if I tried. I think Laura must of notice that I was tired. She tried to answer her phone as quickly as she could then when she answered her phone her voice sounded far away from me.

"Hello?" Laura answers the phone quietly.

"This is she." Is the last thing I hear before I'm completely out.

"Ross!" I hear vaguely.

"Ross!" This time it's a bit more clearer.

I notice Laura is lightly stroking my arm back and forth.

"Ross?" Laura says for the last time.

I open my eyes before quickly shutting them again.

"Yeah?" I say still half asleep.

"That was the real estate agent." Laura tries talking to me.

"Hmm." Is all I can mange to let out.

I hear noise but I can't form the words out so I just ignore it and go back to sleep.

I think Laura taps my chest because I feel something hit my chest and I wake up again.

"Apartment!" Laura says excitedly.

"Apartment?" I ask confused zoning back into consciousness.

"Were you listening to anything I was saying?" Laura asks but I know she isn't annoyed.

I slowly open my eyes so I don't fall back asleep this time.

"No." I admitted.

"You fell asleep again didn't you?" Laura caught me out.

"No." I say sheepishly.

"It doesn't matter because guess who I just got a call from?" Laura says with that same excited tone from before.

"Who?" I laugh.

"The real estate agent. The paper work went through and the apartments ours!"

"No way! So we can go there today?" I ask fully woken up now.

"Yeah, she said she could meet us there and we'll sort out any final details and then well that's it." Laura explains.

"Wait you've still got some things packed up from your last apartment, don't you?" I ask.

"Yeah it's in my room." Laura tells me.

"Why don't we bring some of that stuff down today so we have basic things there already, and then stay there tonight?"

"I thought we were already staying there tonight?" Laura smirks.

"Someone's confident today?" I ask playfully.

"Yep." Laura replies making the 'p' pop at the end.

We both laugh.

"Come on lets start loading stuff into both our cars and we'll drive there separately."

There wasn't many boxes but majority went into Laura's car because I was going back to my house to get the important things from my room. Also I was going to tell my family that everything went through with the apartment and we were moving in straight away. I'll ignore the comments from my brothers about that one. Laura's going to wait for her parents to get home from work so she can tell them and say goodbye probably.

We both agreed on a time to meet at the apartment and Laura called the real estate agent to confirm that time with her too. Meeting with her went by quite fast we just had to collect some paper work and the keys and that was pretty much it. We moved up the boxes and left them in the living room which is right where the front door is. We both deiced that we didn't have to sort that out until we got all the other furniture. Like I said we didn't have much. We did have enough to entertain us for tonight. Laura's t.v, my dvd player and a few movies were all we needed. We were missing something.

Laura and I went and bought a new mattress to sleep on tonight. We both didn't really like the idea of sleeping on the floor. We made sure we found a place with same day delivery. After that was all sorted we headed back to our apartment to unpack a few things before dinner.

We settled on pizza and comedy movie. We didn't have a couch so we just sat down in front of the television, which was also on the floor at the moment.

"I have a feeling everyone will want to come and see this place pretty soon." I tell Laura taking another slice of pizza.

"Yeah especially Riker, if it wasn't for him I don't think we'd be here right now." Laura replies.

"Yes definitely."

"Maybe we should have a house warming party or something." Laura suggests.

"I like that idea and it has been a long time since our families have seen each other."

We smile at each other and enjoy the first night in our new apartment, together.

// H e r e C o m e s F o r e v e r _ x o 💕 //

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