Day 33: Worker-san

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As soon as she connected the next day, Worker-san left the ally and entered the academy.
The accademy was a large stone building with more than fifty class rooms, two dormitories, a garden and a green house.
Worker-san went to the first adult she saw and asked for dirrections and instructions. Apparently the main hall not far. She went there in a hurry, worried that she might miss the welcoming ceremony.

The main hall was a large room with a stage. It seemed to be built for receptions, meeting and gathering alike. in this occasion hundred or chairs were lined up neetly facing the stage. Since half of the room was already filled she sat in the middle on a random free chair, the dog sitting at her feet. The girl next to her smilled exitedly, and plaued a bit with Worker-san's dog before returning to discussing with her friends.

It took a dozen more minute before the rom was full. After that teachers closed the door, too bad for those that were late, and went on the stage. An old man signaled for silence and the room quieted.

"Ladies and gentleman, you have all choosen to become schollars. But what is a schollar? Most of you, from what i have gathered are here to learn about magic... but magic is not all a schollar touches.
A schollar studies the world in its entirety, he brings science and novelty while feeding on knowledge and wisdom."

The man kept dsilent for a while. Evaluating the crowd in front of him. Unfortunatly the people gathered were mostly users that had comme in hope of becoming combat mages and artificers.
Worker-san on the other hand was pleased by the man's words as she feared she had choosen the wrong Class. She wished for knowledge and novelty, not combat and redundance.

"I see that my words fell on death ears... wery well. In that case... Magic! Magic is devides in three parts. first the power, second the magic formation in which it passes and third its target!
Therefore all of those interested in magic will have to follow three courses. the first and fore most is the Affinity course where you will learn and develop your knowledge and affinity with the different elements"

For the next hour the old man presented the teachers that taught elements to us. There was eleven elements in total and each had several ways to be used. Each teacher had a specialty that they taught.
The elements were, for the basics, air, water, earth and fire, for beginers metal and electricity, light and dark then came life and death with void.for the Veterans.
Like the old man had said the affinities themselves did not provide you with any magic but power to fuel those magics. As a result one had to study how to apply the elementsthrough Magic Formations. This was the second course the man described.

"Magic Formations are devided between three categories: Rituals wich demand ingredients, certain aptitudes and specific actions, Magic Circles that are complicated geometric forms intervened together and focus the affinities energies and finaly Runes that give shape to the magic. It is possible to combine several formations together but for starters you will be ask to choose only one type.
Also you should know that the Formations are devided in different subjects called Magic Schools. Each one encompasses an array of spells and incantations. Choose your Magic Schools carefully as
they will determine what type of mages you will become."

He then began to describe the Schools available.
The most common school to do so was the school of Destruction which instructed on how to ise the elements during combat as harming or buffing and debudffing spells such as [fireball] or [blind]. Since it lead to large scale destructive spells
Secondly was the Enchanting school which taught how to apply one of the elements to an object or person. It was popular to create an enchanted flaming sword or grant a stun effect to a pugilist punches but it also granted temporary speed and strength improvements.
Third was the Healing school which was a mixt of Herborism, Alchemy. And Life Magic applications.
Fourf the Altertion school which like it said invoqued the strength or weaknesses of a being and transfered them to the caster. The Alteration School was solely self applied support and provided temporary abilities.
Then came the Invocation, Mystisism and Necromancy schools. Those three demanded more time to study as one would need to obtain the Life and Death affinities, study Alchmy, and required knowledge of at least two Magic Formations.

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