Ch .1 Night Patrol and Comfortable silence

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Aizawa POV

I crouched on an abandoned building's rooftop at the edge of the city. My senses electrified on full alert for any trouble that might be happening below. The night was warm, making me more tired than usual. Capture weapon rested loosely around my shoulders with my goggles around my neck. Listening carefully to the earpiece in his left ear, I determined that tonight would have been better off being used for sleep.

Patrol hours were almost up as I removed the tiny radio from my ear. Whipping my head around to the sound of light whispers, I caught sight of a shadow in his peripherals to see a petite, green moth land on my shoulder. Watching the insect only for a moment, I grunted a familiar name, "Shoku."

At the sound of her name, thousands of the miniature, green insects swarmed beside me, gathering in to form a human shape. Once the shifting settled, and the moths ceased to exist, a woman remained beside him. I had only heard of Shoku due to her underground hero work being so detrimental to finding the League of Villains' whereabouts.

A sigh escaped the woman's pink lips as she sat legs crossed on the edge of the building. Her gold hair cut in a short A-line framing her square jaw. slender fingers were wrapped in the white medical tape as the woman reached her fingers slowly out to My shoulder. Large eyes focused on the task at hand, a moth from moments prior crawled onto her waiting palm. The jade moth swayed as the teetering insect sauntered onto her wrist. The weight of its Wings became too much to handle as the tiny thing faded into her pale skin.

I pulled out two energy pouches from my pocket, silently offering one to the heroine. She nodded her thanks as we both sat for the rest of the shift. I didn't mind the silence; I didn't mind the moths. What did bother me was how even though they hadn't spoken at all that night on the roof, I couldn't seem to get her from my mind. 

That morning, after a few hours of sleep, I trudged my way through the halls of UA High School, making way to the teacher's lounge for a cup of coffee and a quick nap before the kids would show up and my annoying best friend with the loudmouth talked my ears into a coma. To my dismay, as I walked in, the other perky Chatterbox was already there smile on his rodent face as we made eye contact.

"Good Morning Eraser Head! I hope your patrol went well last night! I also have a request for you for the rest of the year."

He said this as he sat with a uniquely made cup of tea that seemingly came from nowhere—grunting for the mammal to continue as he made his way to the coffee pot that already had a fresh batch in it. Taking a sip from his tea, Principal Nezu announced that they would be having a particular class and guest the rest of the year, and he would appreciate it if I would keep an eye on classes 1A -1C when she was teaching. I wanted to say no, God, I wanted to tell the rat-man to ask anyone else, but before I had a chance to deny the request, Nezu dropped the other shoe.

"You already met her last night, from what I understand." The principal was practically giddy with a sly smile informed.

Coming back from the coffee pot, I plopped myself on the Lounge couch, coffee in hand, as I nodded my head in the gerbil's direction.

"Wonderful! I'll be introducing her to the staff meeting today, and she will start teaching Monday." The all too perky dog bear cheered.

With that, he left the room, leaving me alone. Leaning against the back of the couch with my head back and eyes mostly closed, all I could see was her large eyes looking a lot like a character from a Shoujo Manga Mic had Obsessed over when they were kids ..... what was it called ...Naru. Noru...Nearu..... NARUTO! Yes, that was it. The quiet one who ended up more powerful than her arrogant cousin. Those eyes, same color, and same dark lashes only on a woman who was haunting him. As if on cue, the heroine herself walked in. She stopped at the door, scanning the room. When her eyes stopped on the coffee pot, a small smirk pulled the corners of her mouth as she walked to it. Her costume was simply medical wrap and a dark Kimono reached mid-thigh. The only skin showing was her shoulders, neck, and face.

The woman turned to make her way to the love seat across from me sitting the same as she had on the roof that night. I  noticed that what I thought were her bare feet were nude-colored ballet flats, practically nothing.

     "If you want a pair, I'm sure the support class will make you some."

Her voice rang out with a joking tone, soft but mature. Being taken off guard by her speaking, I offered a grunted in response, taking a sip of my coffee and closing my eyes again. A small chuckle hit my ears for a moment, and then the room fell silent again. The only sound is a faint ticking coming from the clock on the wall. It was perfect...


I didn't even open My eyes to look at the  loud, blond friend before I was telling him to, "Shut it."

All the teachers were coming to me now, and the next person to bust in the room, yelling, was going to get punched.

"I AM HERE AS A NORMAL TEACHER!" All Might said, busting in before coughing up blood and shrinking back down to the shell of a man he was. I found it rude no one had said a thing to the new teacher. Opened my eyes halfway to look across from me where she sat previously, only for the seat to hold Cementoss.

Curiosity struck, but before I could ask if they had seen the woman, the fluttering wings of a green moth caught my attention just like last night as it made its way out the door.

My wings. Aizawa X OC also goes by The memoirs of Shoku GingaWhere stories live. Discover now