Friday Night p2

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After Sim finished his drink he grabbed my hand and we went to the dance floor. We couldn't prize Robin off Master Francis so it was just the two of us until Jordan and Matty joined us. I was honestly having a lot of fun dancing with the other boys. I know I'm not as coordinated or sexy as them but it was fun to pretend. My eyes wandered the room curiously and I caught sight of two subs making out in the corner. Sim did say that was something that happened. I wondered if they were doing it for attention from the doms or because they wanted to make out with one another, or if they were drunk. I don't know any one of those could be a possibility. I laughed a little to myself. Honestly, if I was in like a straight club and saw two people making out I would be kind of weirded out but in the club, it's a different vibe you know. My eyes continued to scan the room and I accidentally locked eyes with the Master that Sim was talking to on Thursday. He locked eyes with me and smirked. I saw him start to make his way over. I don't think the others noticed and I tried to get Sims attention but he was preoccupied grinding against Matty. I just shrugged it off. He'll be here soon enough. I turn back to the table where the Masters were sat. I'd finished my drink. I should probably stop for a bit before I get my next one. I do not want to get drunk, I still need to make a good impression on these people. Also drunk me gets emotional and I'm just not in the mood for emotions. I've had too many these last few days. "I apologise for interrupting" a hand extended from next to me, I jump as I turn to him, I knew Master Killian was coming over but I didn't expect him so quickly.

"Not at all sir" Sim wrapped his arm around my waist.

"You two are looking lovely tonight," He told us, I blushed and Sim smirked.

"Of course we are" he's really testing out the waters tonight. He's acting much more bratty too.

"I expected nothing less of course" I giggled a little. "Are you drinking tonight?"

"Yes sir"

"May I buy you a drink?"

"Why sir yes you may." I felt like a third wheel almost, even though they weren't in a relationship, I was brought along towards the bar.

Near the bar, I saw Adam and Tommy. Tommy was sitting on Adam's knee drinking a cocktail while Adam ran his thumb across the back of his subs hand. They looked really happy. Adam must have been working tomorrow because I knew that Master Warwick wasn't, we were going to have a drink. As far as I'm aware there are only three security guards, I'm sure there's more but I've only met Masters' Edward, Warwick and Adam.

Sim kept at close proxemics to me which I appreciated. Master Killian seemed nice but I wasn't very comfortable in his presence. He bought us both a drink not asking what we drank, I guess that was just a dominant thing. I didn't mind though he chose something nice and he did get something for me. Honestly, I was kind of worried that he wouldn't. Not because I felt like I deserved it or anything but because of how awkward it would be if I expected it and didn't get one. I bit my tongue and took a deep breath. My mum always says if you're stressed focus on taking a deep breath then things will work out. Focus on the breathing not what's in your head.

The two of them were flirting. I did feel a little uncomfortable and I was hoping that Robin would come over or maybe Matty or Jordan. Unfortunately, that didn't happen but as I was stood leaning against the bar Rogelio smiled at me. I'd love to get to know him properly. I need to find a non-awkward way to add the boys from the club on Snapchat or something. I have Robin and Jordan but that's it.

I wonder if the Masters have Snapchat. What kind of things would they send? Sim and I have a 1100 day streak literally over three years. I used to not be into Snapchat and I lost our streak a lot when we started but he got me really into it. We Snapchat every day even though we're living together. It's like a tradition now. Our photo exchanges are usually our foreheads or like a coffee or something. I giggled a little thinking about the Masters having one big group chat. What would they talk about? Would they send memes? Like maybe business memes?

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