012 / D-Don't Talk to Him

270 8 11

Wc: 420

—Tuesday 7:42 pm

"Another one? He can't go." "Yes, he can Number Two. He's capable." "He's weak. You locked him in a room for I don't know how long. This time, it was worse than the other times."

Number Two tries not to raise his voice, afraid that Reginald might become mad or worse, Richie could hear.

"I'm absolutely fine." A voice grumbles pushing past Eddie. He pulls his socks up, sliding his shoes on, and grabbing his mask.

Five flashes around, he wears his uniform all the time. Just going around the house for fun.

The six make their way to the helicopter pad outside, shoving each other. They're really impatient. Richie and Stan walk behind them.

"Are you sure you'll be able to go?" "Yeah...wouldn't be the first time I've had to go like this." The dark circles under his eyes worse than usual.

His limp a little bit better. Small colored bandaids on the tips of his fingers, he picks at them, black fingernail polish on each of his fingers.

"Hurry up." Number Two pulls him away, pulling him into the seat beside his.

Stan admires the stars as they go above the dark city. He feels a tug on his shorts. Number Four sits impatiently not having anything to do. A tug on one of his curls startles him. Five chuckles before sitting back.

Seven's phone dings. A new message. He never talks to anyone.

Unknown number

Un: hey. It's Patrick. Some guy found your number and gave it to me. Hopefully, it's not weird lol

S: It's fine. :)

P: How are you?

S: Tired. Bored. A mix of the two.

"D-Don't talk to him." "Give me my phone back." "No. D-Don't talk to him." "You can't tell me what to do." "I'm older than you." The other five, including ghost Ben, hop out. Five slides Number Seven's phone in his pocket.

"I'll get it back." One chuckles, following the rest.

Seven and Reginald find a place to sit. Police cars surround the old museum. Four bad guys inside stealing old expensive things.

Seven watches as Four latches onto Number Two. Mike throws them onto the roof. They laugh as they continue doing what they're doing.

Each window attracts Seven's attention as he sees different shades of blue appear. Signifying Five is flashing around.

Soon, three men are on their knees, their hands on the back of their heads. Mike carries the fourth one who happens to be limp in his arms.

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