113 / Fruit

80 1 0

^^listen if you want. It kind of helped me write towards the end.

wc: 355

The six, including Ben's spirit, stand at the front doorstep of their big and empty house.

"D'you think he had plans...for like what to do." "After passing? Yeah..." Mike whispers. He takes a deep breath before opening the door.

A rush of stress and attention fill the seven. They expect a man with a monocle to call their attention quickly, telling them to find a seat at the dinner table or get ready for a mission.

The mansion sits quietly, different smells mix together. None of them able to distinguish what they're smelling exactly.

"S-Shit." Bill expected his voice to come out as a normal tone. It doesn't, seemed more like a whisper.

The six don't know what to do exactly, they walk silently up the stairs, or in the kitchen for Richie.

"Mom..." Eddie whispers letting his stuff down gently on the floor.

"Eddie. How was the mission? Anything interesting-" Grace starts off her normal conversation starter with Eddie.

The one that she's asked for the last seventeen years. The questions that got Eddie in the mood to talk even if he didn't want to.

This time, Eddie wrapped her in a hug before she could finish. She doesn't know what a hug is, or what affection is exactly.

Eddie's explained it to her, he doesn't need to, she's a robot. She knows what everything is and what everything means.

She simply would listen to the boy explain it.

"Eddie?" "Hmm?" "Are you hungry? Would you like anything to eat?" She pats his back gently.

Something she is coded with, Eddie didn't know Reginald coded her that way until a couple of months ago.

He coded her that way just for Eddie. For the days the boy felt like a disappointment or the days he just needed someone.

"Possibly? I don't know." He whispers. "Fruit? Get Richie down here, I know he's hungry also." "Grace- mom...I'm not... thank you though."

Richie sighs, sitting at the counter. Eddie slowly makes his way to the taller one. Sitting beside him slowly.

"How about some fruit?" "Sure...whatever you want." The boy grins weakly.

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