Chapter 8

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"Now that you've eaten," I began. "Do you mind telling me where you've been for the past week?"

He set his glass of water down on the table and shrugged. "I just needed to get away from S.T.A.R labs. I needed time to think."

"Well next time you decide to go on a little road trip again, you should let us know. You made us all idiots. All those time searching for you through satellites-"

He interrupted. "You were looking for me?"

"Yeah, that's my point. If you'd just told us that you would be gone, we wouldn't have looked for you." I threw my arms in the air getting frustrated at him.

He looked at her for a while again, thinking. Why does he always do that? Everything about him seems robotic. His movements, his posture, the way he speaks. There was no emotion.

He finally spoke. "I didn't think you would look for me."

My eyebrows knitted. "And why is that?"

He raised his eyebrows. "Because of our little spat at S.T.A.R labs? I said some things that might have been a little extreme."

I folded my arms. "You were a world-class jerk."

He opened his mouth but I stopped him. "Look I got the hint okay? If you don't want my help, I'll stop. And also what we're doing in front of my door? How did you even know I live here?"

He tapped his head. "I have Barry's memories, remember? I remember everything."

"Right. Okay. Anyway, I'm going to head to bed. You should go back to S.T.A.R labs and get some sleep."

I got up from the couch but he spoke, "I'm not going back there."


He inhaled sharply as if he was impatient with me and shook his head. "I can't do this. There are too many memories for me there. Things I want to forget. I thought I could do this but I can't stay there anymore."

When she didn't say anything he misunderstood and put up his hands. "Don't worry I'm not staying at your place if that's what you think-" he trailed off for a second and smirked, "maybe Wally and I are going to be bunkmates."


He chortled. "I'm kidding. I do have a sense of humor. I know I can't stay at Joe's place."

I was quiet for a moment thinking. "Well what are you going to do then, where will you live?"

He shrugged. "I'll figure something out."

"You know you still haven't answered my question," I said.


"What were you doing in front of my door?

"I already told you before I passed out, I came to apologize."

She snorted and quickly covered her mouth as Savitar stared at her in confusion, his eyebrows drawing together.

"I'm sorry I just somehow find that hard to believe." I cleared my throat.

His expression hardened. "Right of course. Why would you believe me, I'm an evil person incapable of changing aren't I?" I said spitting out the words.

He stood up. "I shouldn't have come here this was a mistake."

He turned to leave but she stopped me by touching his arm and he froze.

"Hey wait!" She exclaimed.

She studied him and finally spoke. "You're being serious."

When he didn't say anything, she let go of his arm and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry for not believing you."

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