CHAPTER 1: Jayne

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Sunday! This is my favorite part of the week. It's the only day that I didn't have to work or go to school.

Tomorrow I had to go back to reality though. Luckily, there are just several months left until I finally graduate. I'll be able to break free from the hell my sister has had me in since I was a little girl after our parents died as well as leaving what I like to call, my 'hell away from hell' aka high school.

I was ten years old when my parents were killed in a car accident and both my sister, who was sixteen at the time, and I had stayed with our grandma until she passed away a few years ago. 

Until I turn eighteen, I am trapped here and there is no way to escape. Plus, not to mention the fact that she is the only way I can get my money when I turn eighteen and only then, will I have enough to leave for good, on top of the little money I get from my job and have been saving up from for a few years now, of course.

It's been a little hard though saving up as much as I would like to because I pay rent and for groceries. Which is fine but my sister does charge me more than I think anybody else would really for family.

The world has always revolved around her and I was just something she was left to take care of and who I know will ask me for some of my inheritance, if not all of it. That is just who she is. Someone who thinks everybody owes her.

You see, she was labelled as my legal guardian after our grandmother had passed away. Which meant that I would need for her to sign the document over for my inheritance (despite me being eighteen when I get it out), but since that's what it said in the will, she has to do just that. Not to mention, she also needs me right now, to continue getting money from the state for taking care of me. It's pathetic really.

Our parents left her and I some money that we had to be eighteen in order to receive. So once my sister turned eighteen, within a year, she blew all of hers.

I miss our parents. If only I could see them one more time, maybe I would feel a little better-have a chance to say goodbye.

Then again, maybe I wouldn't feel too much better because I would have to actually say 'goodbye'. And since there's nothing I can do about any of that now anyways, I should really just focus more on graduating and leaving this place behind me afterwards.

I needed to go grocery shopping today and other than school, I HATED going grocery shopping because I always felt judged for whatever I was picking out and kept thinking that people would always look at the items I chose and wondered if I had planned to eat it all in one day or not.

That's not the worst of it though. Because one of the most popular girls in school, who happens to also be one of my bullies, Dana, works here too. (Her parents own the store).

I wish this town wasn't so small and there was another nearby store where I could shop and nobody knew me. But there isn't, so, I guess for now, I am stuck having to go to this one.

While walking around and placing things in my cart, once I got to the frozen section to pick out some ice cream, I could overhear, some guys laughing and noticed out the corner of my eye that it was the 'badboy' of our school and a few of his friends.

His name is Wade and he had moved into town two months ago. Ever since he moved here, a lot of rumors have been spreading all over school about him and his reputation along with his friends and has kept mostly to himself and his group.

Some have said that he was forced to move here because he got expelled from all the other schools he was at before. Then there was another one that he went to jail a few times and has a dad that is in the mafia.

Then to top it off, he also happens to be one of the hottest guys in school-in town for that matter.

The truth about him is that he lives alone and his father is really the richest person in the United States who owns his own software company and ends up travelling a lot. So he rarely see's Wade, yet, supposedly leaves him a credit card with unlimited credit and the house all to himself. He is so lucky. Especially since he doesn't have any siblings. 

Aside from all the rumors and gossip, I have to say that from things I have witnessed him doing, I could tell he fit the 'badboy' title pretty damn well in general, so that makes it hard for me NOT to believe they are just rumors or gossip.

Doesn't matter anyhow I guess, since it isn't like he notices me anyways. 

The only time I have ever really paid much attention to him was in class when we had to sit next to each other in a couple of our classes.

Most of the encounters I have ever really had with him, he wouldn't say anything and instead would just look at me as if it were my fault I bumped into him or that I needed to watch where I was going.

I hurried and shut the freezer door then begin walking towards checkout when my phone goes off. When I look down and see it's my sister, I begin debating if I should answer it or not. Although on the other hand, if I don't, I will hear it from her.

I start to answer it and right off the bat, she starts shouting so loud that you would think I had her on speaker phone or something.

I swear....THIS BITCH!

Then the worst possible thing happened after hanging up the phone and checking out, I heard Wade laughing and his friends as they all walked up behind me in line and one of his friends commented to me.

"Damn, we forgot chips. This girl knows how to party."

I felt embarrassed as if he was making fun of me. Then I kept repeating to myself in my head, as I knew Wade was standing right beside me, that I shouldn't make any eye contact with him at all. I'm not 'worthy' enough or pretty enough to do that. At least according to Dana and pretty much the rest of the school says. Besides, he is dating one of Dana's best friends anyways, who seems more his type.

I swear, they are both perfect for one another though. So much in fact, that it's sickening. But I guess they have a lot in common, she is a bitch and he is an asshole.

That's how it goes though, right?!?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :):)

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