Capture the flag

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"Why'd you pick me?" I asked Tobias once I got on the grounds.

"Didn't want you to be with Eric." Tobias led us toward the ferris wheel.
I glared at him, and went on to join Uriah and Christina.
We started strategizing and thinking of a plan when Four and Tris came up to us. "We found Eric's team."
Now, we were all assigned to certain spots. I was with Tris to get the flag. We all seperated as Tris and I, guns at the ready, located the flag. It was at the top of a building, with Molly guarding it. At the base, was Eric defending te entrance.
"You go, I've got this." I whispered to Tris. "I'll distract Eric."
Tris went up to go while I walked up to Eric, gun at my side.
"Hey." I greeted him. Eric looked at me, and raised an eyebrow. He looked behind me and left and right.
"What? Dude, chill." I joked.
Eric gave me no response except staring back.
I walked closer to him and dropped my gun and held my hands up.
"See? Relax." I shrugged. Unfortunately for him, he didn't know that I had taken Peter's gun from when Tris had shot him. It was well hidden in my back pocket.
I put my hands around his shoulders and kissed him passionately. Eric kissed back, while leaning into me. He reached into my pocket and brought the gun out of it.
"Nice try." Eric smirked.
I bit my tongue. Darn it.
"Oops." I sarcastically apologized.
Before he could say anything else, I kneed him in the crotch, and when he bent over, I disarmed him and with the gun, I shot him.
Eric grunted in pain. I leaned over him, and whispered-
"Sorry, honey."
Eric groaned in response while I laughed and took his weapons and left the place quickly. I joined Tris at the tower where she had beaten Molly and held up the flag with her.

Wild Things / Eric DivergentWhere stories live. Discover now