Chapter 40

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Calina's pov

I was in the kitchen, sitting in a chair on the kitchen island, eating a sandwich. I would never think I'd have a sandwich with only onions in it, but the onions really tasted good and did their job, making him stay away from me.

I could see that he hated my new eating habit. Every time he pulled me closer to kiss me, he made a disgusted face, pulling back, before our lips could touch. He just cursed after he couldn't kiss me because of my bad breath.

I never thought he was human enough to let me eat what I wanted. I thought he would forbid me to eat onions, but he didn't. He didn't get angry either, he was just annoyed and frustrated.

I wondered why he was so touchy with me as I never saw him kiss or touch Gabriela, like he did with me, as they were married.

In all honesty, his hormones were higher than mine and he was even hornier than me, even if I was the pregnant one.

I wondered if he had a fetish for pregnant women. I shuddered at the thought and quickly wiped it off, but I wouldn't be surprised if he got such a fetish. After all, he didn't care if I got a bump from my pregnancy when he sometimes used my body at night.

I sighed. I was now stuck with him and his fetish for the time being. But soon, I would escape him. "I think this is the life of a goner like me," I muttered, biting my sandwich.

Suddenly, the door to the kitchen opened and William hurried in. "What's happening?" I asked him with my mouth full.

Пойдем, он и его брат обсуждают завтрашний аукцион, сейчас прекрасная возможность спросить его, можете ли вы его сопровождать!" he said before he pulled me off the chair.

(Let's go, he and his brother are talking about the event tomorrow, now is the perfect opportunity to ask him if you can accompany him!)

"Как долго вы следовали за ним, чтобы найти такую возможность? Или это просто совпадение?" I asked him while he was pulling me out of the kitchen.

(How long did you follow him to find such an opportunity? Or was it just a coincidence?)

"Ничто в жизни не ставится к вашим ногам, особенно в таких случаях. Я преследовал его в течение двух дней, чтобы запечатлеть момент, когда он говорит об аукционе, и, к счастью, я слышал, как он разговаривал со своим братом в гостиной, так что сейчас идеальное время, чтобы спросить его!" he claimed before we stopped in front of the living room door.

(Nothing in life gets put at your feet, especially occasions like this. I chased him for two days to capture a moment he talks about the event, and luckily I heard him talking to his brother in the living room, so now is the perfect time to ask him!)

"Что, если он скажет «нет»? Тогда ... я не знаю! Плачь перед ним или воспользуйся своей беременностью и скажи ему, что ты задыхаешься, действительно сладко, просто используйте несколько вещей, которые женщины использовали бы, чтобы заставить мужчин чувствовать себя виноватыми. Это не должно быть так сложно, после всего, что он с тобой сделал," he encouraged me.

(What if he says no? Then ... I don't know! Cry in front of him, or take advantage of your pregnancy and tell him you're feeling suffocated, really sugar, just use a few things women would use to make men feel guilty. That shouldn't be that difficult, after everything he did to you.)

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