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Walking the cooridors of this nightmare is just perfect!I hate it here.All you do is learn random knowladge that you won't even need in the future.Keep us in cages.Forcing us to listen their bullshit.And they call it a classroom.How fucking perfect!

I don't have many friends.I only have two.One.The nurse in the school.If you call that a friend.Then there is Leah.My childhood bestfriend.We've been through hell together.Her parents' divorce.My parents' divorce.And many other things.But unlike me she has shit ton of friends.And it's ok.I'm not the easiest person to be friends with.I'm shocked she's still around.

But the thing is I'm hurting her too.I know I do.She cries for me and I cry because it's my fault.But regardless we're there for each other.And that's what matters.

"You going to the party tonight?""Yeah.Do you wanna be my plus one?"I rolled my eyes."You know I don't go to that shit.If I do it'll end up with me being bullied for hours nonstop."

"I know.I don't understand though.They don't even know you.""Do they have to?To bully me?"She frowned knowing I was right."Why do you ask me?Ask your boyfriend."Her eyes got watery."Again?!"She nodded.It was enough."How many times do I have to tell you that you need to leave him?He's hurting you!"

"But I love him I can't."I laughed."You love him?Leah c'mon.The guy is a jerk.He cheats.Not only in exams.He lies.Not only to the teachers.You know I just want what's the best for you."

She tilted her head up and let the tears dry before she looked back to me."I know.I just...can't.""Leah I did my part.I gave you my advice.I told you the truth.The rest is up to you.But I don't want you to call me in 3 am crying because of him."

"I don't want that either."She took a deep breath."Ok.I'll do it.You're right.It's enough.I'M gonna go talk to him."That's when I saw her boyfriend Chad.Rich daddy and famous mom.You'd guess the stereotype.

"Hey babe.""Don't babe me Chad.You cheated on me!Again!You lied to me!God knows how many times!This relationship is fucking over!"

"You're messing with her head.You're lying to her!"He started yelling at me."I didn't do anything.You did it all on your own!What I did was be there for her when you did all those things."

"You're messing with her head."Then Chad left."Let's go."I took Leah to my house.It's so close to the school I walk every day."Where have you been?!"I heard my dad yelling."Leah go to my room."Leah left and I was with my dad."Where have you been?""Dad it's friday.I was at school."

"I have a business meeting.Give me the keys."I handed the house keys to my dad and he left with slamming the door as hard as he can.Then I went to my room."What was that about?""He probably lost his keys again."I sat on my bed next to Leah."So I did it."I nodded.And she started crying.

"C'mon.You have a party to go to Cindrella."She chuckled through her tears."Are you going to be my fairy godmother?"We laughed a little."Let's go to my place."Leah and I went to her house."Hey Sophia honey.How are you?"

Freya.Leah's mom.She's an angel.I'm sure she loves me more than my own mom."Hey Freya."She looked me up and down."Are you ok honey?"I nodded."Yeah.I'm fine.""Mom I need to get ready and Soph is helping me."She took me by hand and dragged me to her room.

"So this one?Or this one?""They are the same dress but different color you know that right?"She nodded."So?"I chuckled."You know I'm more of a black person."She rolled her eyes and wore the navy one instead."How do I look?""You look great."She took a deep breath and sighed."Can you come to the party with me?I know you don't like it but...I need your support right now.What if he spots me and tries to get back with me?Or I get drunk and want to get back with him?"

I sighed."I-I don't know.Leah I don't like that kind of places.You know I don't."She sat down at her desk chair."Soph please."I took my phone out.Checking the time."Then we're leaving after 30 minutes."

"An hour?"I shook my head."45 minutes?"I gave in."Fine.45 minutes."She dragged me to her closet."So there is this dress.And then this dress."I chuckled."I'm not gonna wear a dress just because I agreed to come.I'm going with these clothes."

"Black skinny jeans and black basic shirt with long sleeves?"I took my leather jacket onto me."You forgot my jacket."She rolled her eyes at me."At least let me do one thing.How about your make-up?"I laughed."Hell no!You're not touching my face."

"Well I have to do something."She eyed me up and downTrying to find something that she could do."Found it."She took my shirt and tied it.Made it shorter."Really Leah?""Well I had to.You look good anyway."

We arrived at the party and the music was so loud.Louder than I could ever bear.Everybody was already drunk.And the place reeked alcohol.It made me wanna throw up."How do you like these things Leah?The sweat?The alcohol smell?The loud music?Ugh!"

"I can't hear you!"Yeah.It was worth a try I guess.And one second of looking away she's gone.I searched for her with my eyes.I couldn't cut the crowd.But I was too short to see her.Everybody is either taller than me naturally or wearing heels.

But I finally found her after thirty minutes.She was in the kitchen.Laying on the kitchen island.Drunk."C'mon Leah.Let's go."But she still couldn't hear me.Then a guy showed up."What is your name?Or shall I call you mine?"Really?This is the best they come up with."Not interested."I tried to walk past them.But they didn't let me."Look guys I just want to get my friend and leave"

"We can give you guys a ride.""Guys I just want to get my friend and leave."But the other guy snaked his way to my waist.I pushed him away but I wasn't strong enough."Let me go!""We're just gonna have some fun.There is nothing wrong with that."But I couldn't push them away.

"HEY!"The guys stopped and turned around."Let her go.""Dude we're just gonna have some fun."I couldn't see who it was.But I was still trying to escape their grip."I SAID LET HER GO!"The guys rolled their eyes and whispered."We'll have our fun later."Then they left.I turned around."Are you ok?"I nodded."Thanks.""Yeah.No problem."Then I got Leah and left.

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