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He came to the room while I changed into one of his clothes."What are you doing?"I got under the quilt."It's 10 pm.I'm usually not this tired around this time but normal people try sleeping.So I'm gonna be a normal person and sleep.Thanks for asking."I rolled my eyes.

"No what are you doing here?In my clothes?You have a house.You have a room.You have your own bed."I chuckled."I know that.Duh!"Then he got a nontification."I have a job."Then he took his riffle under the bed."That is actually a nice place to hide it."He rolled his eyes.

"You're way too calm about all of this.""That I am.See you tomorrow morning if you don't get caught or get drunk and pass out in a street."He looked at me like I was a weirdo."Geez.I was kidding."I went to bed and a few minutes later I heard the door close after him.

I don't know how long later I heard the door open.Since I was unable to sleep I thought it'd be him.But it wasn't.Before Mr.Nark saw me I went back to the room.Then I heard footsteps coming upstairs.So I acted like I was asleep."Caleb and his bitches."Then he closed the door.

I sighed out of relief.I waited for him to leave.But he just didn't.He stayed for another hour and then Caleb came back.I left the room and watched them through the railings.

"You're finally back.I've been waiting for hours."

"People seem to visit me without my permission today."

"James told me that Sophia Johnson was here."

"She was."

"Were you gonna tell me?"

"Why do you even care?"

"Because her mother died.Somebody is after them.That means they're after my money.Caleb we need to find this guy before he comes for Sophia.Because if she dies there is no way I'm getting that money back."

"Why do you want to control her this much?"

"Because the USB drive that contains everything about you is in his safe!If she founds it and gives it to the police there is no way I can get you out of that prison.You can get death penalty.All the illegal incomes I have will be exposed and I will also go to prison."

"One thing I think you should know is that the guy who killed her parents is standing right in front of you."

"Does she know that yet?"

"No.She thinks I'm one of the guards that works for you.She saw me around James."

"James.He likes her.After I get that USB I won't need her and I'll probably kill her because she knows too much.I feel sorry for James.She's gonna die eventually."

Caleb starting laughing."You'll be doing her a favor.Keep her alive.That'll hurt her more."And hearing him say that actually hurt.

"I mean wha I say Elijah.All that pathetic girl wants is to die.Keep her alive.Take her under your control.You'll have your money and your USB.And one more soldier just like me."

"You may be right.Good thinking.Maybe she'll be a great toy to Jack.He seems interested in her too.At least his interest ends after pyhsical.Him and Sophia went to detention s couple times because she beat him for kissing her."

"Jack got beaten up by that pathetic girl?"I just couldn't help but cry.

"Anyway.This visit of yours is taking too long.I'm tired.Leave."

"See you tomorrow morning Caleb."Then Elijah left.And Caleb lost his mind.He broke everything.I got scared and I went back inside the room and cried.But when he went silent I went silent.I heard his steps coming towards his room so I acted like I was sleeping.

He changed and laid next to me.And I couldn't help but ask him."Did you mean what you said?"My voice cracked so much.I couldn't even hide it."How do you want me to answer that?"I sighed."Guess that answers my question.I grabbed my bag and my phone.

I turned around when I got to the door."Good night Caleb."Then I left the room.As I went downstairs I saw the whiskey bottle.I went ahead and took it.I called Dylan and this time to my luck he answered.

"You have a terrible timing."I chuckled.I chugged down the whiskey bottle.I didn't finish it but I drank as much as I could."I'm gonna send you a location.I need you to pick me up."

"We're on our way."

"No don't bring Leah.I don't want her to see me like this."

"Ok.On my way."

After 20 minutes of waiting Dylan's car pulled up.And by then I was done with the whiskey bottle.He got out of the car."What is this place?"

"Dylan I'm mad.I'm pissed off.I am kinda drunk and I could fucking kill you right now.So I suggest you sit your ass back to the driver's seat and drive."

"Yeah you reek alcohol."

"I can smell myself thank you."Then Caleb came."Sophia?"I gave my bag to Dylan."Let's go Sophia."He opened the door for me.But before I could sit down Caleb pulled me away."If you could excuse me I'M gonna go to my own house.Then I'M gonna head to my own room.And sleep in my very own bed Caleb."

"Dude let her go."

"Move it Dylan.I got her."

"Dude she called me.She told me to get her.If you got her she wouldn't have."

"I can take you with one punch only you know that right kid?"

"Oh I can guess that you are capable but she called me."

I chuckled."No one wonders my opinion now that I realize it."I laughed."Yes I called Dylan.And I will keep calling Dylan.Because you know what Caleb?I don't take shit from people.Insult me all you want.I've been through worse."I chuckled."Dylan?"He gave me my bag."Fuck you Caleb.And thank you Dylan.But I think I'm gonna take a walk."

"Sophia where are you going?"

"To my own house Caleb!"I put my middle finger to the air and walked away.I am sick and tired of people insulting me.I am so tired of everything.I meant what I said.I've been through worse.But this time he said all those things before he even knew me.At least other people knew one side of me.Just one.This is all so fucked up.

This is all so fucked up.And before I realized it I was in front of Leah's house.And surprisingly I still stood on my own feet.But something was not the way it should've been.Cops.

Their blinding blue and red lights.I walked over to the house."Freya what is going on?"But she was devestated."Ms.Johnson what are you doing at this time of night looking like this?You also reek alcohol."

"I am having a very very bad night if you couldn't tell detective.But the real question is why Freya is crying."

"Well I'm sorry I'm about to ruin your night even more.Leah..."And the look on their faces was enough for me to lose my freaking mind."No.She can't.No not her!Not her!"I took my phone out and called Dylan."Dylan tell me you wenthome and Leah is with you!TELL ME LEAH IS WITH YOU!"

"What happened?"I dropped the phone."Not her too.NO!"And I lost myself."Tell me it's a lie!Tell me she's alive!SOMEBODY TELL ME SOMETHING!"But nobody even opened their mouth to answer me.No one.Not one single person.

"I-I can't stay here."I took my phone and my bag from the ground beneath me and ran away.When I arrived at my house I saw Dylan's car pulling up."Dylan!"He got out of the car and I hugged him tight."Sophia you're scaring me.Talk to me please.Is Leah ok?"I broke the hug.

"Leah...she's..."I couldn't say it."Sophia?""Dylan she's dead."

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