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Their faces went blank.Confusion was written all over the room.Assuming his men didn't know either."You're a great liar.I get that from you and dad.Good thing I know better than to trust my own family.Who should've been there when I needed them but instead you abandoned them.You have three kids.At least had three kids.And you've never thought about the way your brother treated your niece.You let him manipulate me.You manipulated him into thinking that was what I deserved and he knew that too so he lost himself in the manipulation.Nor grandpa or grandma wanted you two.So know you're taking it out on me?My cousins?"


"That's rich.ou're the one who kidnapped me."

"You're the one who's been fucking my brother's killer!"

"When you put it like that it sounds bad.But when you put it like me sleeping with the guy who helped me get out of my dad's pressure then it's great."

"My brother's pressure?You're delusional."

"Wait you said...You told Elijah."I let out a sharp breath."Y-You told Elijah everything."

"Now I'm going to untie you my dear and then you're gonna untie your friend.Then you two will go to that cell.And lock it behind you.Throw the key to me and wait."

He started untying me.But I stared at Caleb's eyes.He was one breath away from crying.I was one breath away from crying.Dylan was shocked and everything was insane."Hey!"I got out of my trance and realized my uncle untied me.I checked my wrists they were so red and I had a little blood from the tight tie.

"Still suicidal I see."Caleb wanted beat the shit out of him but his guards stopped Caleb from coming over."Walk Sophia.Walk to Dylan."I untied Dylan and he hugged me immediately."I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOUR BULLSHIT!Go to the cell!"We walked into the cell.I locked it behind us and gave the keys to Zane.

"You never wanted Caleb did you?You wanted me.You wanted me to die.And then you some-fucking-how learned I was seeing Caleb and you talked Elijah into signing a new treaty.You made us come here.You made it happen.And now just to see me hurt you're gonna make Caleb's life hell too.How dumb could I be?I can't believe this."

"And when Elijah comes here Caleb will kill you."I was shocked at how heartless he was."And I thought I was heartless.I hated grandma for the way she treated me but I will always respect her about the way she tolarated you and my father!You two are monsters.At least he was.Thank God Caleb killed him!Thank God I didn't stop him."

"You were there?And you didn't stop him from killing your father?"

"Instead I begged him to kill me.I begged him to pull that trigger but he didn't.And now you're here...with me in your hands and I bet you have no idea what to do because...I remind you of your brother and you know I'm the only piece of him on this earth."

"You talk about manipulation.Then what is this that you're doing?"

"Unlike you I'm not manipulating.I'm just...telling the truth."

"If you say another word I'll give your cousin the word and he's dead.Caleb is dead."I shut my mouth and stepped backwards."Don't kill Caleb but Dylan has no participation in this."

"You no Alice had to grow up without her cousin because of you.I couldn't take her to you because you were suicidal."

"Don't blame it on me!You hated me!"Then Alice walked in.I'd remember that face anywhere."A-Alice?"

"S-Sophia?"She ran to the cell bars."Hey.How are you?""Why is my daddy locking you up?What did you do?"

"I reminded him of your uncle,my father,so he locked me up.But you need to leave.This'll all get messy.I don't-You can't be here.You're too young."

"She's not!She will stay here."Alice started crying and I hugged him through the bars."Don't worry baby I will find a way.I swear I will.Do you believe me?"She nodded."Ok good."I made eye contact with Caleb.Then I turned to my cousin."Blaze?"He turned to me.But then he turned back at Caleb.Keeping him in line was more important than me.

"BLAZE?!"Then Elijah walked in.I stood up from the ground."So I trusted you.I raised you.I did everything in my power so you would gradute from the best schools.I arranged tutors for you.I trained you.I made you the man you are today and this is what I get?!Screwing my employee that I told you not to.I told James not to.I told Jack not to-"

"Elijah it wasn't his fault.I kissed him.I started it please."

"Sophia what are you doing?"I turned to Dylan."I'm telling the truth Dylan.New year's night.Right on midnight.Right after Felix told me he loved me.I couldn't because I loved Caleb."

"It doesn't matter who's fault it was.You're both dying tonight.End of discussion."I turned to Dylan and he was waiting for me with open arms.I walked right into them.I hoped...I imagined they were Caleb's arms.

"I don't want to die Dylan.I don't want Caleb to die.I don't want you to die.I don't want anybody except Zane and Elijah to die."

A few minutes later they took us out of the cell and gave me and Caleb a gun."Which one who shoots first comes out alive and we go back to our old ways.But if Sophia surprises us and shoot Caleb first then...I'll train her and he becomes the new Caleb.Deal?"

"It's her last moments I think she deserves a few last words from me.The one who played and tricked her into falling in love with me."I don't know what he's doing but he sure looks a lot like what I did when I was trying to get Dylan out of his hand.And next thing I know he's talking stuff.But I don't hear shit.It's all blank.

Then he walked towards me and leaned to my ear level."I love you more Sophia Johnson."Then he backed away and put the gun on my forehead.But tears of happiness was the tears I was shedding.But they thought different.

"Oh do it Grayson."I did the same thing I did the first time I stood in front of his gun.Put my hands on his and feel them get tense as the highschool football team ring's metal freezes my hand.

I dropped the gun in my other hand did what I did."Do it."I looked right into his eyes and then with a sudden move he shot Zane and Elijah andthe other guys with the bllets he had.Then he got my gun and shot as much as he could.Dylan got Alice and came rushing with us.

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