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---31st December---

I got up and went to work with Felix."These are this and...Lindsay?!"Then Lindsay showed up.She can show up whenever she hears her name.That's amazing."What is it?How can I help you Soph?"I chuckled."Thanks.Uhm...Felix is downstairs and I need these files and a bottle of whiskey.I texted you the type I want you to get for me.Can you handle that?"

"Oh I already got it after you texted me.It arrived just five minutes ago."I smiled."You amaze me everytime.Thank you."I placed the files into whiskey gift bag and went back downstairs.

"Can I drive?""Why?"I chuckled."Because I know the way and you don't."He got out of the car and I drove."This might take long.And since he can't exactly leave this place I have to go in ok?""How long will it take?"I sighed."I don't know yet.Might be minutes.Might be hours.You go.Spend the day with your friends or something."

"I'll see you at midnight."I smiled."See you at midnight."Then he drove away.I knocked on the door."Sophia?""You know Elijah should be much more careful about being followed."Then he opened the door more and I walked in."Why are you here?"I sighed and gave him the bag.

"The files that probably turned to ash the other night and a bottle of whiskey."

"I can see that."He took the files and got to work.I poured a glass for us both."No.""What?"

"No.I'm not gonna drink that."

"Caleb it's one glass.Not the end of the world."Then he threw the glass to the wall behind me and it exploded."I should be hating you right now but instead I come here when I could've given the files to Elijah.I come here with good intentions knowing I should be hating you.And this is what you do?!This is the stunt you pull?"

"Yes!This is the stunt I pull.You don't work for Elijah because you're scared to die!You're not afraid of his power.The power he holds.You're doing this because you feel like you need this when in reality all you need is a bit of stablity!"

"Like you know me so well?!Caleb you killed my parents!You made me an orphan!You killed my best friend and made me alone.If it wasn't for Dylan I wouldn't have survived.And now I'm here with you!The only person I should be hating but can't!So you get your ass back in line or I am out of here."

"I killed your dad!I killed your mom.But the only one who actually gave me joy was killing Leah knowing you actually loved her!"

"Ok.You win."I grabbed the whiskey and went up to the roof.A couple hours later when I went back down he wasn't there.I found his room and looked under it to find his supplies.And since they were gone too I assumed he left to kill the guy.

That's when I got a phone call."Yes?""Caleb called."I rolled my eyes."And you're calling me because?"He sighed."He killed the guy.""Good for him.And Elijah?Next time he calls tell him I finished the bottle.He'll understand."

"I don't know what that means.I am not your messanger.Tell him yourself."Then he hung up.Rude!So I waited for him to get back.But I think he's not coming intentionally.So I wrote on a big paper.

If you're not coming back because I'm here I'm waiting because I have something to say.Get your ass back in here and stop being a fucking child Caleb.

And he must've seen me he came an hour later."What do you want to tell me?Tell it and get the fuck out of my house."I rolled my eyes.And checked the time.It's 30 minutes to midnight?!"C'mon.I'll tell you later."I went to his kitchen.You got quite the fridge.Half empty.But half full."I checked every corner of that fridge and found a frozen pizza.I placed it in the oven and then poured some of the whiskey he already had.

"What are you doing?"

"There is no way I can make it to my house in 20 minutes.And with that I'm not gonna be starving when I enter a new year.And since I'm here...you do the math."He rolled his eyes."Entering a new year with me can't be that bad.Yes we faught.And...you said things.And...I said things.But...everybody can be forgiven."

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