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I woke up.My eyes still red.I put the tooth paste on my tooth brush.As I was brushing my teeth somebody knocked on my door.I figured it'd be Dylan or Leah.I wasn't expecting cops."Gowd mownin?"I gestured one minute.Rushed to the bathroom and came back."Sorry.I wasn't expecting you guys."

"We have a lead on the case so I have a few questions."I gestured them to get in."Can you guys give me a minute?To change?"Detective nodded.I rushed to my bedroom."Leah the cops are here.Get Dylan and come here.""Uh...Ok!"Then she hung up.I changed and rushed back downstairs.

"I'm sorry."

"I see you've been handling the loss of your father pretty well."I took a deep breath."My friends are...really helping me.If it wasn't for them I'd be in the hospital.""For what?"I looked around to the other cops."Oh...ok.Uhm...questions?You said you had more questions for me?"

"I did.But I am more interested in why you would be in the hospital."I sighed."I think it's better if I just showed you detective."I rolled up my sleeves."So yeah.I guess this explains.I don't want to talk about it.And I'd highly appreciate it if you forger you ever saw this."

"Sophia where is your mom?"

"She came to take me but since I'm eighteen I moved out back here."

"Sophia have you went through your dad's stuff after his death?"I fake sniffed."I didn't.I couldn't.I went into his room.But I didn't touch anything yet.Seemed...too early to do so."

Then the doorbell rang."May I take it?"Detective nodded.I answered the door."What's up with the police cars outside?"I let Dylan and Leah in."Oh...""Yeah."

"Sophia I think you need to get to school.I'll contact you later today."Then the detective and the cops left."You guys came right on time."I let out a heavy breath out of relief.

"What happened?"I sighed."They asked me if I went through m dad's stuff yet.And of course I said no lied my ass off out there."I rolled my eyes."How often do you lie?"

"Pretty much everyday.Big or small.Changes through occasions."

"Lie to me right now."

I faked everything.The tears.The face expression.The body language."Dylan I love you."Then I stepped backwards.Wiped my face and fell to my couch."So yeah master Dylan.I'm pretty great at it."

"Honeslty you fucking mastered this shit."I smiled."Thanks.Now.To the main question.Did you get in last night?"He shook his head."Not all of them.I got the low profile costumer list but the others are more well hidden."

"That's a start.And I'll get what I can.So where is it?The list?"He took his backpack."In theis USB drive."I snatched it from him.Then I realized something."Oh...OH...This is great.Wow.Honestly I'm so happy about it."

They were confused."I'M talking about you guys kissing.It's pretty obvious."Leah was confused.Dylan looked like he expeted it."Now I made it awkward."I checked the time."We gotta leave."They sighed and we stepped outside."James?"The others were as shocked as I am."I'M sorry.I just had to come and get an answer."

"I-I can't.""If this is because you think we killed your dad...we didn't.We wouldn't."I chuckled."No.No I don't think that.Just...I have my reasons.""Let me change your mind?"Then Leah leaned."He's not a suspect.I say go for it."I rolled my eyes."I don't think you can."

"Oh...Ok then.""But!I'll let you try."He smiled at me.Then Dylan and Leah left with the car.And I started walking to school.And he followed me."So how are you handling this death?"I sighed."Honestly?I don't even care if he deis or lives.I never did."

"Now that I think about it.Don't you have a boyfriend?"I laughed.I stopped walking and I laughed.I placed my hand to the railing next to me and laughed."You actually believed my dad's cheap lies?""So you don't have a boyfriend?"

"No I don't have a boyfriend.So I don't have boy issues.And I'm not failing any class either.He just wanted me out of sight and I left my room to go stay at my friends."Then we kept walking."He lied a lot y'know?He stole your money.He stole my will in life.He stole a lot from a lot of people."

"But you loved him regardless.That must've been hard for you."I turned to him."Oh you're serious?You seriously think I loved him?"I laughed."You,James Nark,are a funny guy.I never loved the bastard."I put my middle finger to the air and went into the school building.

---James's POV---

She is weird.She acts in a certain way.She says things in another way.I am utterly confused on which one I should believe.Then I checked the time and I realized I was late to work.

"Hey dad.I'M sorry I'm late."

"Where were you?!When will you learn to be panctual like Caleb?!When will you stop being a disappointment?!"

"I'M sorry father.I was with Johnson's daughter."

"Oh...were you?Why?"

"Uh...I'm keeping an eye on her.For you."

"Very well then."He actually ate it.I'm so relieved."I don't believe you James.""You never belive me Caleb.It's nothing new."He chuckled."I think...you actually like her."Dad turned to me."James?Do you?Actually like her?"

"No.Of course I don't.Her father stole from us."Caleb chuckled."I'm gonna get to work like you should James."Then he walked past me and bumped his shoulder to mine knowingly."Ugh!I honestly don't know why you keep him around.He's reckless and he doesn't obey your rules either."

"But he gives results."He shut the laptop in front of him."Now get to work.""Yes father."Then I left my father's office to work."Lindsey have you sent the files I asked the other day?"

"I did Mr.Nark.They are on your desk.""Thank you."

"By the way your brother is here."I was confused."Jack is here?"Lindsey nodded.I walked to my office."Disappointment 2?"He stood up."Disappointment 1?"We hugged."When did you came back?"

"A couple weeks ago.I've been actually wondering around without getting noticed for a few days."I chuckled."Have you heard about it yet?"

"About Jonhson stealing from us?I warned dad about that guy.He refused to listen to me because I'm the ›big fat failure‹ in the family."I chuckled."So what are you gonna do know?How was Paris?"

"It's...Paris.Nothing exciting for me.All I do is play video games in my room and let the maids do everything."

"You thinking about going back and finishing your senior year?"He shook his head."I don't plan on doing that just yet brother."

"Anything else you think you want to share with your older brother?"

"No.Do you want to tell me about your new crush,Johnson's daughter?"

"Pfft...She's too young for me.I'm 20 and she's 18."He laughed at me."I saw you brother.I saw you this morning.What was weird is that just before you came cops were there.Five minutes later you come and they're gone."


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