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We ended up fighting and I sent Dylan to look after her.I know something is going on between them and they are good for each other I think.And since I had no homework I just thought I would go for a walk.

I used to take walks because I needed to avoid my father.Now I do it because I have nothing better to do.

I changed into some black leggings and a black sports bra.

I changed into some black leggings and a black sports bra

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That walk turned into a run.I put my headphones on and enjoyed the fresh air.Then I stopped because somebody tapped on my shoulder."What?"I turned and it was him.Again."Oh it's you.Ok.Good thing you're here.I never got my answer.We were interrupted by my mom then your unexpected guest."

"You'll get your answer.But I have to say you really put on a show.Watching it was fun.How can you cry like that?"I chuckled.I let my fake tears take over and started yelling at him.

"How could you?!"HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU CHEAT ON ME?!I loved you!I gave my life to you!"Everybody was looking at me and he was pretty impressed."You're good."I wiped my tears and winked."I know I am."

I continued my walk and he joined."You know for an assassin you are unexpectedly friendly."He rolled his eyes."Take that back.I'm not friendly.""Your poker face is not enough to lie to a master liar such as myself."He rolled his eyes one more time.

"Fucking hell."After a while we just sat on a bench nearby."My answer.I think I waited long enough."

"You are an impatient brat you know that?"

"I've heard that before.So?My answer?"

"You want to give your life up without living it properly.If I killed you that night...would you be here?Running.With me.Sitting on this bench."

"Probably not.I would've been sitting home with Leah.And nothing would've happened between Leah and Dylan.Which would be bad.Leah has been better ever since he stepped into her life."

"My point exactly."I was confused.

"From the looks of it you tried many times to end your life.But imagine living it.Not minding the others.Only yourself and your rules.Live it the way you want."

"You seem like talking from exprience."

"No I'm not.Also..."He stood up."Don't take Nark's offer.You will turn out just like me."Then he left.What does he mean by that. ≋You'll turn out just like me.≋What does that even mean?

I got kinda mad and left.I took a shower to wash off the sweat and got ready.I called a cab."This adress.""Ok ma'am."When we arrived I paid and stood in front of the apartment."Here goes nothing I guess."I knocked on the door and nothing.Then I knocked again.I rang the doorbell thousand times and he finally answered the door.

"What do you want?"I rolled my eyes as I walked in."Ugh!Finally."I went straight to the kitchen."Ouuu!Somebody is having a night with..."I counted the amount of empty glasses on the counter."Three other people.Lucky you.But I have a question."

I poured myself a glass of whiskey that I found there."What does turning out like you means?Like I am genuinely curious.""You interrupted me because of this?"I took a sip from the whiskey in my hand."This stuff is actually good.You have taste.And yes.That's why I interrupted you."He chuckled.

I sat on the kitchen island."So are you gonna answer or what?""Give me a minute."He grabbed the clothes on the floor and went upstairs.Then three girls left the place half naked."Can you repeat the question?"

"Gladly.But mama is hungry.Let's feed me first."I got off the island and got on the counter and started searching for food."Found it."I threw them at him."Good catch."Then I got off the counter and sat back on the island after I snatched the snacks from his hand.

"The questions was 'What does turning out like you mean?'.I am genuinely curious."

"Oh I got that part."


"What do you think I meant?"

"If I knew you it would be a lot easier to figure out what the question meant.But since I don't I need you to answer."I stood up on the kitchen island and started pacing on it."I killed your parents.Don't you hate me?"

"I don't.I'm actually thankful to you."Then James came in."Sophia?"I put the last piece of snack into my mouth."Hey James."Then I turned to him."So yeah.Thank you.""You're weird."I chuckled."I hear that a lot recently."He rolled his eyes before he walked up to James.

"What are you doing here?I don't remember calling you here."

"You didn't.I wanted to know why you took the files I asked for.Are you trying to take my position?Because if you're trying tell dad and he'll do it in a second."

"I'm not trying anything.Get your files and leave."He threw some files at James.And I watched it all from the top of the kitchen island.

"I have a question Caleb.WHAT THE FUCK IS SHE DOING HERE?!"This is gonna be good."She came here on her own.Ask her."James looked at me."He confused me so I came here to ask a question he refuses to answer.I have no idea what is going on between you two."

"Sophia go outside.""Why?"


Then he threw James to the wall behind.I got off the island."First of all James.Rude.Second of all.If he wanted to hurt me he could've in multiple occasions.Since he didn't I'm not going anywhere."

He let James go.But James tried to drag me with him."James!""We're leaving!"Then James fell down to the floor with a punch."Go to my room.""Don't mind if I fall asleep."Then I left.But the yelling was audiable from the bedroom.I didn't exactly heard what they were yelling but it went all silent when I saw James walking out.

I went downstairs."Well that sounded...bad."He rolled his eyes."The answer to your question is..you'd turn out like me.A girl with anger issues,an assassins,a hacker,a long record and the training is way harder than you could ever imagine."

I rolled my eyes."Do you really think that's who you are?""Who do you think I am?"

"From what I've seen...a friendly but lonely guy.A guy who feels like has to be alone because of what he does for a living.And I bet the alcohol doesn't help with the anger issues you're talking about.That's why you've been avoiding to drink around me.Because you're afraid that you might do what I've been wanting you to do for weeks.Kill me."

He laughed at me."Laugh all you want Caleb.Good night."Then I head upstairs.To sleep.

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