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---Caleb's POV---

I told her to do as I say and left to answer the door."Elijah.""Caleb."He walked in like he was invited in."Oh come in."He rolled his eyes."This Sophia girl.Johnson's daughter.She's...she refuses to work for me.I could do the things I did for you to her too.I can look after her and keep her under my control.But she's smart.Smarter than her father."

"I figured."I poured us both a glass of whiskey."Make mine double."I did his whiskey double and sat in front of him."What took you so long to answer the door?""I don't think you want to listen to my sexual life."His face turned to disgust.

Then his eyes shifted to my computer."You were doing something?What were you doing?"I rolled my eyes."Checking the finance files.Knowing James could be fooled by a mole I'm doing it in a proper way."

"I'M proud of you Caleb.Keep up."Then he chugged his drink down."Well I'm going back home.Me and James have to talk about bringing Sophia to our house in the middle of the freaking night."

"Good luck with that."Then he left.I enjoyed the rest of my whiskey before I went upstairs.

I went upstairs and remembered that Sophia was there."Sophia?"I whispered to her but no response.She actually fell asleep.

After many attepts to wake her up I gave up.She fell asleep hard.I just went to the other side of the bed and laid down.I placed my hands under my head and stared at the ceiling.I can't sleep at nights.Something I am way too familiar with is the sleepless nights.

Then unexpectedly she started moving.I turned my head over to her and her body turned over to me.Mor elike onto me.She rested her head on my bare chest and placed her arm on me.Then crawled up to my colar bone.She made herself really comfortable.

And surprisingly I was comfortable too.I continued to stare at the ceiling until I felt water on me.It wasn't sweat.The air was calm and a little bit cold.When I looked down at where I felt wet and it was her.She was...crying.She was crying in her sleep.And next thing I know I fell asleep staring at her.

The following morning I woke up and we were both at the same position we fell asleep in.I heard a phone ringing.It wasn't mine.So I got out of bed and searched for the phone.It came from downstairs.Inside the hoodie pocket?

I answered the phone."Sophia I will fucking kill you.Where are you?Me and Dylan are at your house!The cops are looking for you!We don't know what's happening.They're not saying anything either!I am freaking out."

"I'm not Sophia."

"Who are you?!Tell me what you did to Sophia!"

"Geez.Relax.She fell asleep."Then I hung up.Assuming her friend.I went up and changed.And I went to work."Elijah?""Get in Caleb."I sat down at one of the chairs."You seem better than last night.You don't look as fucked up as you usually do in the morning."

"Geez thanks.""Anyway.Let's get to work."

---Sophia's POV---

I woke up in an unfamiliar surrounding."Where the hell am I?"Then the last night's events hit me.My mom is dead.I found him.And he told me to hide for some reason."Fuck!"I saw the time on the digital clock beside his bed."It's 2pm."I got out of the bed and looked for my phone."Found it."When I checked the nontifications I knew I was fucked.

I called Leah back immediately.



"Honsetly I don't know either.But I'm fine.I'm sorry.What's going on?"

"What's going on is that cops are looking for you and a guy answered your phone.A guy I don't know about!"Fucking hell!

"I-I'm on my way."

"I'm at school.Stop by the precinct before you come."

"Why am I stopping by the precinct?"Lie!I know exactly why I have to go there."I don't know Soph.I don't know."

"Fine.I'll see you later."I hung up.I wore my hoodie and placed my phone in my pocket.And I found a note.

Tell the cops that you were with me.Sleeping.I handled the rest last night.If they ask you why tell them I'm your boyfriend or something.I don't know.Be creative.

"Fucking hell."I put the note inside my phone case and went into the cab I called.And went to the precinct."I'M Sophia Johnson.I heard you guys were looking for me?"The cop at the front led me to the detective that was working on my father's murder.

"Ms.Johnson?""Uh...why am I here?"

"I'm afraid I don't have any good news for you."Oh c'mon tell me.Tell me that my mom died and I'll put on a show you can never see on screen."Your mom...she's been found dead this morning around 5 am."

"Wh-what?"Fake tears and...denial."No.No,no,no,no,no,no,no.NO!"I fell asleep on my knees and kept crying."No this can't be real!No!Not again!No!"Damn!I am nailing this."We just have a few questions and then we'll let you go."

I nodded."Anything.Just find who did this please!"She nodded and we went to the interrogation room."Where were you between 2 and 3 am tonight?"

"I was with my boyfriend.I was spending the night over there."

"Your friends were really worried.Why would they be worried if they knew you had a boyfriend?"

I let a few tears fall."Because I couldn't tell them.His family is not exactly approving.We kept it a secret.And he asked me to keep it from my friends too.And I love him too much I couldn't tell them.I'm sorry."And my eyes became waterfalls.

"I think it's enough.I will send you home with one of my co-workers."

"No.It's ok.The precinct is actually close by and I can walk.I need to be alone anyways."

"As you wish.I am so sorry for your loss Sophia.I am."Then I left the precinct.I started walking to my place.On my way there I wiped the fake tears and rolled my eyes."I nailed that."Then I just went into the house.

I got ready for school.Took a shower.Changed and left.The moment it ended Leah found me."What happened?"

"Oh I'm fine.Turns out my mom died too."We got to my place."How?What?Who?"I chuckled.

"You guys should've sent eh show I put at the precinct.Crying my soul out for my mom.I really put it all out there."

"How can you be so calm?"

"Because I know who did it.It's the same guy who killed my father.Also the same guy I accidently spend the night at his place.Also and also the guy who answered my phone this morning."

"WHAT THE HELL?!Sophia he killed both of your parents!"I took a sip of beer."I knwo that.He killed them both in front of me if I need to remind you Leah."

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