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"MR.NARK!"I hit my feet to the ground beneath me."How dare you yell at me?!"I chuckled.Then I saw the file in James's hand."James didn't do anything wrong."I took the file from his hand and compared it to the ones I got with Dylan.

"Mr.Nark I believe you have a mole that has been helping my dad steal from you for months.Because these files are not the same with the ones I found in my father's bedroom."I showed them to Mr.Nark and he punched the wall behind him.

"Mr.Nark I just came to tell you all of this.Not to get caught between the family drama here.I'm outta here."I left the office just like that.I called Dylan after I got out so he would come and pick me up."They didn't know.They didn't know my father stole from them.But the guy who broke in said that he stole from them.It just doesn't make sense you know?"

Then his car pulled up with Leah.I started walking towards the car but a grip stopped me."Sophia?"I turned around."Thank you."I took a deep breath."You let him walk all over you.I did the same.And look where that got me.Someone had to do it eventually."

"Maybe.But it was you."Then he hugged me tight.I couldn't push him away.But I didn't want it to be awkward either.So I slowly hugged back."I'd like to take you out for a bite.""I-I need to go."I turned around and got into the car."Dylan drive."He just stared at me."For fuck's sake Dylan!Drive!"Then he drove away.

"Soph what was that?"I sighed."I don't know Leah.I don't know."We came to my place."Now that my dad is gone you guys can sit and enjoy yourselves wherever you want.I think my dad left a couple beers in the fridge."I went to the kitchen and grabbed the beers and came back inside."Catch!"I threw the beer at Dylan."Easy!"I chuckled.Then the doorbell rang.

"Leah did you tell your mom we were here?"She shook her head."Dylan?Did you?Tell your mom we were here?""No."All three of us walked to the door together."Let's see who it is."And I instantly regrretted opening that door."Genevieve?"Leah spoke up as I stood there frozen.

"And you are?"Dylan asked.Leah answered."Dylan meet Genevieve.Sophia's mother.""Well aren't you guys gonna let me in?"Leah helped me into the living room.My mom walked in like nothing happened and sat on the couch."You guys are underage.What is all these beers?"She tried to get my beer off of my hand.

"What are you doing here mom?""Very well."She sat back to the couch."I came to take you baby.With your dad's tragic death I thought you would need me."And this was it.

"Need you?NEED YOU?Mom I needed you to look after me for years and you threw me away like I was nothing because of some stupid rules!I'm eighteen.I don't need you anymore.And this is when you decide that I might need you?"

"Baby I love you.I was mad and I did a mistake.Later when I realized it...it seemed hard to get you back."

"You love me?How do you expect me to believe you mom?!How?!Just how?!"Then my phone rang.Unknown caller.I answered it.I wiped my face and waited for the other side to talk."Pretty gnarly mom you got there."Then I saw the red dot between my eyes.

So I ran outside.It was him."Pull the trigger.I know you're out there.Please."He hung up and I just fell on my knees.I cried.A few seconds later Leah and Dylan came."Sophia?"I got up and wiped my face.Then my mom came."Baby are you ok?"

"You don't get to ask me that.Do you know how many times I tried to take my own life?Do you know how many times I woke up in the hospital?You don't.Because you weren't there.Leah was there.Freya was there.Even dad was there.Even though he didn't want to be there he was.It was to sign a few papers but he was there.But you?You need to leave."

"You disappointed me once.Twice.And many other times.I was mad.I was trying my best and you still didn't.I lost it!"I chuckled."I was never gonna be what you expected and wanted me to be.I was never gonna take over your business.I was never gonna live up to your expectations.And deep down you knew that!So one night you found an excuse and sent me to him.Like I was a package that needed to be returned."

"That is not true!I made a mistake.When I realized it it was already too late!"

"Consider me moved out.You are nothing to me mom.Nothing.Now get in your car.And drive away like the night you dropped me here the first time."Then she drove away.And I turned around to the others.

"And as you all can see I got what I deserved once again."I sniffed and wiped my face."Let's get back inside.I have a new plan."

"Sophia are you ok?"I chuckled and smiled."Leah I am great.She did what she does.I've moved on."I went back inside.I opened my laptop and found the old yearbooks online.Who would put their old yearbooks online?

"Dylan I need another favor.But for my favor to make sense I need you guys to listen closely."They nodded."If it's not one of them I figured it must be from one of their employee.Maybe a high profile costumer."

"So what's the plan?"

"After Dylan gets the list of employees and costumers' names I'm gonna look for a familiar surname in the yearbooks.Thinking and assuming from his voice he is in his early twenties.So I made the list of the last 5 years graduate football team members.Why five years?"

I placed the ring's pictures on the coffee table in front of me."After five years the ring's styling changes.6 years ago after that years' gradute students they developed it."

"These are all great.But after we find him here what will happen?"

"I'm gonna break into school archives and take a look at his file.Maybe even figure out where he lives."

"Are you out of your mind?"

"No Leah.I'm not."I sighed."I think I should get to work if this plan is going to move forward."Dylan stood up."Do you want me to drop you off?"He turned to Leah."That'd be nice."I hugged Leah."Good night.""Good night Leah."Then they both left.Now I was on my own.

I went up to my room.And now that I'M alone.Everything becomes harder.Weighs more on my shoulders and I just can't help but cry.

TriggerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora