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After the guy left I facetimed Leah."I'm sorry I ditched like that.""I'm sorry I was so hard on you.But I just don't want to see you in a hospital bed anymore."I sighed."I know you don't.I don't want to see myself there either.But it's not stopping anytime soon."

"It's not.And you should finally understand it's not your time yet."I sighed."I think.But that's not why I called.Do you mind if I stay with you and Freya for a couple days?"

"You know my mom loves you.Of course you can.But did something happen between you and your dad?"I shook my head."No.But...for the first time his >business partner< came over tonight.And it's sketchy.So I just don't want to stay here."

"Oh...That does sound sketchy."Then we talked random shit.Nothing that had to do with both of our lives.We didn't gossip.That thing is toxic.Just like my parents."So yeah.I watched it."

"That is disgusting Leah.Why would you watch that stuff?""It was a dare.I had to."We both chuckled."Anyway.Which clothes will you bring tonight?""Tonight?"

"Yes.You're staying here right?""I thought I would come tomorrow after school."She rolled her eyes."Nope.So what are you bringing?"I went to my closet.I don't have a lot clothes.I wear only comfortable stuff.I have only one dress that I will never wear.Then I have tons of jeans,sweaters,shirts and hoodies along with sweatpants.

"Ugh!""What is it?"I forgot Leah couldn't see my closet because of the way I placed my phone."All of my black stuff is in the laundry machine.""Finally!"I rolled my eyes at Leah and in ten minutes I was all packed.I changed my outfit and took my bag.When I went downstairs my dad and his business partners were still there.I thought there were only one of that.

I was trying to leave without getting caught but the guy saw me.Then he turned to my dad."Who is she?"I stopped walking when I saw my dad calling me there."She's my daughter.Who was supposed to study until I told her otherwise because she's failing right now.Boy issues."

First of all.All of that is a big fat lie.Second of all.Failing?!I get staright A's.Third and lastly.Boy issues?!I couldn't help but roll my eyes in disgust."I'll be on my way then."And I walked away.But assuming it's the guy from earlier followed me.

"What's your name?""I heard that question a lot recently."I left and Leah was waiting for me at the front.She got out of her car.I hugged her and then we both went into the car and drove away."Do you remember that dumb question back from elementary school?The one with two super powers?Mind reading and being inviable?"She nodded.

"Which one would you choose now?"She sighed."Mind reading I guess.I would know what everybody is thinking about me.I would be able to see their and your thoughts.It'd be pretty cool."

"I'd choose inviablity.Think about it.If no one sees you...who'll ask you questions?Who'll disturb you?Who'll say bad and mean things about your apperance?No one."Then the car stopped."We're here."We got out of the car and went in.Freya was laying on the couch watching herself talk in the news.And yes Freya is a news anchor.She's pretty good to be honest.

"Hey Freya.""Oh.Sophia honey I didn't know you were coming."I gave little small forced smile."Yeah.It was kinda last minute.Sorry.""Oh no it's alright.I'm just shocked."After making small talk with Freya we went to the kitchen."Want ice cream?"I nodded and she took a big ice cream box out along with big spoons.

"Let's go.I found a new movie you should watch."We started walking to her room."What is it about?""It's about the future.These aliens and the US government is making deals and all of that stuff.They're also making a huge space ship.And this agent is getting a vision of something that happened three decades ago.And he figures it out and the rest is spoiler."

"I think I know it.""Let's see if you do."We watched it.Yes I did watch it before.It was fun to watch it again with Leah.And the next couple days were pretty dull.Same stuff all over again.Wake up.Go to school.Get out of school.Go to sleep.Repeat.

But this friday was haloween so Leah was going out of her mind about her costume.While I didn't even bothered to look at my calender to realize it was haloween."Should I be a demon or an angel?Or I could be the devil?I don't have a lot of options."

"Why do you even bother?You go to the party.Get drunk after a short while and the rest of the night is blurry."She rolled her eyes."You're coming with me.So I'll be the angel and you'll be the devil then."I was shocked.

"Uhm...I'M not going anywhere.Besides...my dad is probably gonna lose his keys again.I have to go home.""He's a man-baby!He needs to know where he keeps his keys."

"Leah it's fine I don't want to go anyway.""Too bad.I even found a date for you."Then the doorbell rang and we went downstairs."Hey Dylan.""Oh my God!Leah!"She rolled her eyes.Then my dad came."You ungreatful kid.Is this where you've been all week?""I'll pack my stuff."I went upstairs and took my bag.Then I said goodbye to Freya and Leah before I went into my father's car.

After we arrived at home he sent me upstairs and I fell asleep after that.When I woke up I heard arguing."You stole from us!You stole hundreds and thousands of dollors from us!Did you think we'd let you get away with it?!"I heard a man yelling at my dad.

I went downstairs and that's when he pulled the trigger.He shot him.Right between the eyes.And I saw this as an opportunity.I jumped in front of the gun."Shoot me."He stepped backwards.So I took my hands and put it on his.The metal of his ring was cold.

"Shoot me.Pull the trigger.I'm tired.Please pull the trigger."My grip on his hand got tighter and his muscles tensed under my touch."Pull the trigger."I closed my eyes and a few tear drops fell down.I kept telling him to pull the trigger.But he didn't.And a few minutes later I heard police sirens.

"No."Then he left.And before the cops got in I went to see my dad.When they entered I seemed like I was crying for him when in reality I'M crying because I failed.And this time it would happen 100%.

"Get away from the body!"

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