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---Caleb's POV---

She just drove off.She got into the goddamn cab and drove off.I picked up the half burned files and checked inside them.She brought them all.The USB drive is probably fucked but she brought them all.

The next morning I went straight to Elijah's office."We need to talk.""James.Jack.Give me a minute with Caleb."The left after huffing and puffing.Kids."Something happened.""Caleb out with it."I sighed and put the broken USB on his desk along with the half burned files.

"Johnson's daughter came last night.She tried to burn the files in front of my eyes and broke the USB drive."

"Did you tell her about these?"

"No.I didn't.Maybe she saw them when she was getting some cash from her father.I don't know.At the end.What matters is that we got'em."He checked the files."Seems like we do.Now.I want you to kill Johnson's daughter."

I chuckled."She tried to kill herself the other day.I know all about it.Because I blew up her best friend.I'm making her life miserable.She needs to be alive for all that pain.""Ok then.Do what you gotta do.Kill that other boy she sees."

"Her other friend Dylan?""Whatever his name is.I don't care.Just make it painful."

"Oh I will."I left the office all together and started following Dylan.Observing what he does.Step by step.I placed cameras in every class that night.To watch over.And let's say he came nowhere near Sophia.More like she aavoided him.

She knows I'll come for Dylan next.She's avoiding him.But I'm not that easy to fool.The whole day.She avoided him.The both walk the coridoors like ghosts.I did that to her.I get mad.I get angry when I think of something happening to her or someone talks to her.But I don't want her either.I try to hurt her.Because...she's right.Everything she said about me is 100%right.

A few days went by and I finally abducted Dylan.The next day Sophia started to realize that someone was wrong and that's when I called her.

"Missed me?"She scoffed."You took him didn't you?Of course you did.Isn't it enough that you kill people around me?I did nothing to you.My dad stole from you.My dad fooled you guys.I didn't do shit to you."

"Missed me or not?"

"Caleb let Dylan go.He's heartbroken.He's sensitive.And I don't want him to go through the pain you could possibly give him."

"I am capable of many things you see.Which one do you think I should start with?Cutting him?Shooting him over and over again?You have any ideas?"She yelled over the phone."Where are you?I'll come and...Just don't hurt him."

"I'll be waiting Johnson."Then I hung up on her.

---Sophia's POV---

I came to the adress he gave me."I'm here Caleb.Just let Dylan go."He came out of the shadows with Dylan tied up."You came faster than I tought."I ran at Dylan but he put a gun at his head."Caleb I am begging you please.He is all I have left of Leah.You took her from me at least don' hurt him.I'll stay away from Narks.I'll stay away from you.I'll stay away from Freya,Dylan and nurse Jipsy just don't hurt him Please."

"You talk a lot more ever since I last talked to you."I chuckled."Caleb what do you want from me?Honestly.I'm really curious.At first you tell me that you don't want me to end up like you.You tell me to live my life.Have fun and be the person that I think I deserve to be.And then Elijah comes.You say that I am basically nothing.Knowing I am upstairs.In your room.Thinking I am asleep."

"I am as good as you at lying.I guess."

I chuckled.I wiped my tears."Fine.You caught me ok.I don't give a shit about Dylan.I gave no shits about Leah and my parents.I like living alone on my own.It remind me of what everyone did to me when they learned I was suicidal.And keep him for all I care.He's just a piece of shit that got his heartbroken.Well boohoo your girlfriend died."I turned around.Saying those things about Dylan and myself.I started walking away.

"Don't mind if I shoot him?"I stopped as I hear his gun cock.I turned around."Give me a minute with him.I wanna say a few things if these are the last minute of his life."

"Sure."He ripped the tape off of his mouth."Sophia tell me you're not serious.She is your childhood best friend."I chuckled."Correction.Was.Was my childhood best friend.I'm no longer a child Dylan."I leaned in and whispered."This is hurting me as much as it is hurting you."Then I stepped backwards."Technically if you kill Dylan then I have no one else.Which is true but the thing is.If you're trying to make my life hell.Then kill me.I promised to nurse Jipsy I'll live for Leah."

I chuckled."Which I am sure you already know.And I intend to keep that promise.Wanna make my life hell?Kill me?Threaten my life.But I am never gonna try to go away again."I stepped backwards.Looking him right in the eye."Well this was useless."He threw Dylan away."Dylan go.Before your mom goes to the cops."He ran away.

"Do what you gotta do Grayson.Do what you gotta do."

"You know my surname?"

"The yearbook is online.I checked on my way here."I took my phone over."And this girl talks very highly of you.Her name is Zyrx.Pretty weird name if you ask me."

"Don't take her name into your mouth."He pointed his gun at me."I might not want to die but I think we're past the point that I'm not afraid of being at gun point.Don't you think Caleb?"

"She was not my girlfriend."I chuckled."I never said she was.And I don't care either."I turned around and left.I might be hurt but I know better than to let your enemies know you're hurt.They'll take advantage of you.

When I stepped outside I looked for Dylan.And I found him."Dylan I am so sorry.I am terribly sorry."I untied him.And he hugged me right away."Thank you."I sighed."Thank you for beliving that I lied."I hugged him back.And we walked to the main road together until we found a cab.

We got to my place.He texted his mom."How are you feeling?""I'm fine.I'm better at least."

"I'm sorry about what I said in there.About you.About Leah.I didn't mean any of them."

"I know you didn't.You might be an excellent liar but knowing you...I didn't belive any of it the moment you opened your mouth."

"Good.This is why I needed you to stay away from me.If you hadn't...I don't know what else he could've done to you."

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