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Many weeks went by and this 'keeping a secret' has been miserable.Besides Dylan no one knows.And I don't know.It's-It's annoying to have Jack and Chad hitting on me 24/7.James still trying to shoot his shot when I said no many times.

Of course it's been great but...keeping it a secret is much more easier when we're at work.We fight a lot.And now we fight a lot more on dumb stuff.I throw things.He smirks and leaves.Pretty much all of that.

Today Elijah invited me over for dinner for some goddamn reason."Are you going to be at the dinner?"

"You dressing up for business dinner that you don't like?Can't wait."I rolled my eyes."You are insufferable Grayson.Get out of my house."

"Fine.I'll see you at dinner.I'll be late.Annoying Elijah is one o fmy many hobbies."I rolled my eyes and he left.I got ready and left the house with Dylan.He invited him too.Great progress I think.

And I somehow ended up being early to the dinner.So I thought why not talk to Elsa."Hey.Else this is Dylan.My roommate I talked to you about a while ago."

"Well he looks like such a gentleman.""Thanks."I chuckled.Then I saw Elsa's phone."Are you looking for a gift?For who?"

"My grandson.His brithday is soon and I have nothing to knit him anymore.I am out of ideas.So I am trying to learn how to online shop."I chuckled and took Dylan's computer out of his bag.I went into one of the online shopping sites and started looking.

"So Else?When is this birthday?"

"In four days."

Caleb's birthday is in four fucking days?!"Dylan?"

"Yes?"I sighed."Elsa you keep looking."I turned to Dylan and dragged him out of the house."I have four days?!"

"For what?"Totally forgot that nobody knew except me."Nevermind.Uh...just...If I tell you that Axel is calling you then it means I want to leave and act like you guys faught or something so we can leave."

"O-Ok.Can we got back inside now?"

"Yes.Sorry.Let's go."

We went back inside.Dylan got his latop from Elsa and we headed to the dining room."Elijah."


"Dylan might like being called by his first name but if the person we're talking about is you then don't call me by my first name.I don't like it."He rolled his eyes and sat down."Where is Caleb?"I had this sudden urge to laugh.

"Ms.Johnson is there something funny?"I took a deep breath."Totally not...Other then the fact that he's not your pet dog and he hates you just like me and Dylan."

"Did he say that to you?"

"Actually he did.It was seventh of never through to the fifteenth of ain't gonna happen.How is that work out for ya big guy?"

"Realy funny Sophia."

"I have humor in my system at least."

"You didn't when I met you.You were just a suicidal girl who wanted to die."Now I was provoked.Then Caleb came in."Hey dickheads.And the twinsies."I rolled my eyes so hard it hurt."Hey anger issues."

"Hey whiskey."He rolled his eyes and I rolled at the same time."We were just talkiğng about how worthless Sophia's life is.How she's a pathetic girl who wants to die."

"Mental torture.Good job.Kill me for all I care but you Elijah know that you can't because nobody in your employees is as good as me and Dylan as a duo."

"Caleb is much better than you."

"Too bad he's not your employee."The whole table went silent."I didn't know it was a secret.Partly not my fault."James left the table immediately."Well this is annoying."Then Jack left too."Seems like it's the four of us.And expecting that you had a reason behind this dinner let's get to your office shall we?I know the way."

We all went to his office."So what do you want?"Elijah was more and more annoyed by the second.With my presence and Caleb's never ending complaints...perfect combo."I want you three to go to Scotland.To re-sign the treaty stuff we had.Caleb signs and you two do what he asks you to do.Now Sophia and Dylan leave.I have to talk to Caleb alone."

I started to laugh."It's not that I don't think Caleb run your business but you just dissmissed your children.Not one kid.Two kids.Yes I may not like them the way they want me to but...you're just a fucked up jerk who hates his children.Just like my father.I hope you'll be happy once they erase you and don't do your footwork."

I stood up and left with Dylan.It's all fucked up.Before I left I went to James's room."James?""Come in."I sighed and walked in."You need to get up on your feet.Live the life you wanted all along.Not the life your father has for you.Don't do that to yourself.You and Jack.Make a plan.Imagine and please make it happen."Then I left after saying goodbye to Elsa.

"This is just so...""You don't need to say it out-loud Dylan.We all know how it is."

"At least we're going to Scotland."I rolled my eyes."Scotland.Yay."Dylan pulled the car over."You don't sound so excited.Why?"I sighed."Nothing Dylan.Just...drive please.Caleb is clearly following us and I don't want him to know something is clearly wrong with me.We'll talk later ok?"

"I'm counting  on it."Then he started the car and we drove away.And as I suspected five minutes after I came home somebody is knocking the back door."Hey."He kissed me immediately."What's the occasion?"He sighed."Scotland.Nobody knows us there.No one would care if we were making out or having sex in the middle of the fucking street."

"And why would we do that?"I kissed him again but this time he broke."Dylan pulled over.Why did he pull over?I know Dylan can't drive while deep talk."

"You're delusional."Then we went to my room."I've never seen you this excited though.Why is that?"He took a deep breath."My mom's side lives in Scotland.Also my mom's grave is there and I haven't been able to go there since I was...always here."

"Wow.Uhm...first I learn your birthday is coming up from Elsa.Then you're telling me this?I don't think I know you well enough when you know me so well."

"I think I even know things you don't."


"You cry in your sleep.Did you know that?"

"No?No I didn't know that.See that's what I'm talking about.I know how you ended up under the control of Elijah.I know that Elsa is your grandma.I know your birthday is in four days.But that's where it all ends.Think about all of our time together and tell me."

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