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"That's not why I'm here.They let me go."

"I can see that dad.But how?"

"They appearently thought I've been in there long enough."

"Dad you killed someone!How could they let you after five years?!

"Dylan?"Dylan turned to me."May I have a word with you?I'm not taking no for an answer."I dragged him by his arm to a far corner."Your dad?You never talked about him and my dumbass never asked."

"Killed someone.Went to prison over it.They said 20 years and now he's out after five?!I don't get it!I am not prepared for this.Coming out to my friends?Easy.To my mom?Easy.But my dad?He is nothing like you guys and my mom.Staying and living with you?Totally cool if you ask my mom but my dad?He'll want us to get married or something.He is so old school.How am I supposed to tell him these stupid two things?"

"Ok Dylan you need to calm down.I'm gonna dismiss the fact that your father just tried to kill me and help you."

"Thank you."The he hugged me and we were at a far corner.Not out of sight."Keep it down a notch.My boyfriend and your father is watching."He took a deep breath and broke the hug and we walked back to the scene.

"Before this conversation goes further I wanna know one fucking thing.Why the hell is Dylan's father trying to kill my girl?!Like I am genuinely curious."

"Be careful you're turning out to be me in the situation."

"I don't care.I need answers."

"I hear things.Endagering my son's life?More than one time?I won't just sit and do nothing about it.He's my son whether he likes it or not."

"I'm starting to think you should've been my father.At least you went to prison for your crimes."I rolled my eyes."But killing someone and getting out after quarter of your time is done?It's a bit sketcy don't you think old school?"

"Who do you think you're calling old school?"He pointed his gun at me and Caleb's gun was out too.But I walked in front of his gun."You wanna go in that hell hole for more than five years?My pleasure.Lower the gun idiot."I pushed his gun down and stepped backwards.

"Sucks to be you.But I'm gonna make a deal with you on behalf of my best friend.Here is the deal.You leave him alone.Or you change your attitude towards us all and we let you in."

"So you think you can decide what's best for my son?"

"Oh I don't think that way.I know I do.Because I was there when he first started falling in love.I gave him advice.I helped him through his lost.I helped him get back on his feet.I helped him through his homework.I helped him make breakfast.I made his coffee.I drank beer with him.I played games with him.I invented games with him.I was there when he finally found his self.Not you!Not anybody else.Me!So shut your fucking mouth before I do something I highly regret."

I was walking towards him like it was out of my control.So I backed away.I took Dylan by hand and dragged him out of there.Caleb came a few seconds later.

"Dylan I'm sorry he is still your father I went out of my li-"He hugged me.And he started crying.I took his phone and texted Axel.He said he'd meet us at our place as soon as he could.So we went back home.

Doorbell rang and Dylan still refused to leave his room."Hey Axel.Felix?"Axel ran inside as fast as he could."Axel was way too all over the place to drive so...I drove him here."

"Uhm...that's very nice of you.Uh...do you want to come in?"

"No uh...thanks.But I'm meeting a group of friends in the coffee house so..."

"You should get going then.But uhm...it was nice to see you again."

"I-It was.Uhm...later."Then he left to his car.And I closed the door.I could start hearing them argue.I went to my room to see how Caleb is taking all of this."How are you?""Come here."I got there and sat on his lap."How are you feeling about all of...this?"

"I just got a job.""A-A job?Job?How?"

"Turns out an assassin is needed around the world a lot.People want people dead.Normal world."

"A-Around the w-world?"

"Yeah.And I want to ask you something."


"I want you to come with me."

"Come where?"

"Wherever my job is.I'll talk to James and he'll keep sending you files and if you're interested in them you can do them where I work in that moment."

"But that would mean...leaving Dylan behind.Leaving everything I have behind.Leaving school.Everything.That means you're leaving Elsa behind.And your house.And other things."

"Do you not wanna come?"

"N-No that's not what I meant.Where is this job anyways?"

"For this time it's in Prauge."

"And how long will you be there?"

"Two days max."

"When are you leaving?"


"I-I have a proposition.So...for this once go without me and I'll figure things out here while you're gone.The whole deal with Dylan's homophobic dad.And my stuff here.The memories and that sentimental shit and I'll decide.Ok?"


"I-I didn't mean it like that.Of course I want to be with you.I just...it's a huge decidsion that you're ready for but I'm not.I need time.I need thinking."

"O-Ok.Well I'm gonna go pack."

"Stay the night.Please."

"No.You have some thinking to do."Then he left the house.But I can't be the way I am right now.I went to Dylan's room."We need to talk.Axel?"Axel left and I was there with Dylan."I'm gonna talk to your father.I'm gonna tell him everything.And I don't know how he'll react but he needs to know.Besides...the quicker he reacts the quicker I can be ther for you before I leave."

"B-Before you what?"I couldn't hold the tears."Caleb left me with an ultimatum.And the problem is I want to be with him.So I'm leaving."

"Leaving where?"

"Wherever his work goes I guess.I'll still be working for the Narks.I'll call you every night and morning.And I'll be back for your birthday.I'll be back for mine.I'll take online classes.I'll find a way to graduate and be with you at the same time but I knwo I have to be here for you when your father reacts."

"So you really thought this through?"

"I thought about all of this in five minutes Dylan I don't know ok?I'm freaking out.I'm scared.The only thing from going to that knife cabinet is you,Caleb and my promise.And I broke promises before and Caleb might leave so...that leaves you."

"Ok.Let's go."

"Wait seriously?You don't think I'M rushing this?"

"I definitely think that.But...I need you here once it happens and if you are leaving then...we have to do this.But we can't take Axel.He might get mad and shoot Axel."I nodded and we left Axel and the house.

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