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---Caleb's POV---

What is she doing here?Why is she here?"Sophia wake up.Sophia?Sophia?!"She's not waking up but I can't exactly take her to the hospital.And I just blew up my own place.Let's just hope I won't get caught.

I picked her up and walked to her place.Dylan's car wasn't outside but there was a car.Felix's car.I waited for him to leave and to my luck not long after he left.I snuck in and put Sophia onto her bed.But right before I was gonna leave I saw her tears running down her face.I don't know if she knows but she cries in her sleep every night.Every single night.

So I laid next to her.I couldn't leave her like that.And she did the same thing she did when I first laid next to her.

That time I didn't do anything.But this time...I put my arm around her."You might got me all figured out from the outside but how will you ever forgive me for what I did?"I sighed and I just fell asleep.How she does this...is beyond me.

But in the morning I left.

---Sophia's POV---

I woke up in my room.But I was sure that I saw that building blow up.I was so fucking sure.I got up and drove to Caleb's apartment.Fire fighters were everywhere and I left before I was noticed.Could Caleb be dead?Like...dead dead?

I went back to my house and woke Dylan up."Dylan get your ass up!!!"He jumped out of his bed and rolled down to the floor with his quilt leaving Axel totally exposed."What the hell?!"I ran out of the room and closed the door.

"You fucking idiot!Why didn't you tell me Axel was staying over?!"

"What the hell do you want Sophia?!"

"From you?!Nothing.I need bleach for eyes."I went to my room and had a little panick attack.But then I saw the whiskey glass.And it had a note under it.I drank the whiskey then read the note.

I'm not dead.I got the files.The guy you found is trying to kill me so I "killed" myself so he wouldn't get to me.By the way that Felix is a tool.

I rolled my eyes.Then put the note next to the others under my phone case."How am I supposed to hate that guy?"I rolled my eyes and then head to my father's room to check the cameras.He had them but I never know what he did with them.

Father's password.What could it be?I tried a few things.His birthday.His back account number.His name and surname together.But it turned out to be his e-mail accounts name.Which is just...dumb.

A few minutes later I got to the footage for last night.Felix was here?

He left and a few minutes later Caleb snuck in.Ok.Then he headed up.Wait!There is a camera in my room?!What the hell dad?!What the fucking hell?!Anyways.He puts me onto my bed.He wipes something off of my face.He drinks some of the whiskey he brought me.Then he gets to the door.

Oh...this is interesting.Wait he's saying something?Where can I open this stupid thing's audio?Ah ha! 

"You might got me all figured out from the outside but how will you ever forgive me for what I did?"

Wait!Did I just seriously cuddle with him.Fast forward.Fast forward.Let me rephrase that.Did I seriously cuddled with him for hours?!What the fucking hell is going on?!And most importanlty why does he seem like he wants me to forgive him.

"THIS IS FUCKED UP!"Axel and Dylan both came rushing to my dad's room."What are you doing in your dad's room?You never come here."

"My dad put a camera in my room.Can you believe that?"

"First you wake us up in a very brutal way.Then you leave.Minutes later you scream in this room and get me fucking worried and this is what that was all about?!"

"No.Remember why I called you last night with Lindsay?"He nodded."It's partly related.But if Axel doesn't mind we better talk this in private.And after I change."He nodded then we both turned to Axel."I think I should leave.I'll see you later Dylan."They kissed and Axel left."I know this will have nothing to do with the topic I want to talk about but that kiss...too adorable."

"Thanks."Aww...Dylan is blushing."I'll change and meet you at the coffee house.I don't feel like making coffee this morning."He nodded and I left after I changed.I walked to the coffee house to clear my head.Releasing my hear was overwhelming I did a ponytail really quick but my head was all over the place.

I wasn't feeling well either.I walked to the closer bench.I tried to calm myself down but before it got all blurry I managed to call Dylan."Dylan can you pick me up?I said I was gonna walk ther but now I feel like I'm gonna fall onto the ground at any second."

"I'm on my way."I sighed."Thanks."I hung up and sent him my location.Not long after he came and he helped into the car.We got to the coffee house and I could barely see where I was going."Are you alright?I have never seen you like this."I sighed."I know.I've never been like this either."

A few minutes went by and after some water and warmth I kinda started feeling like myself again."So what was it that you wanted to talk to me so badly?"

"Last night after I finished up the work that Elijah gave me last minutre I went to Caleb's apartment.I rang the doorbell.But then I had this disturbing smell and next thing I know the building blows up before me and throws me to other side of the whole street."

"What the hell?Is Caleb dead?If he is we would know right?He is Elijah's favorite among them all."

"He's not dead.But that's not because Elijah told me."I showed him the footage.He snuck in.Put me to my bed.Wiped my face.Then even spent the night over."This is gonna sound ridiculus but you may be poisoned by the extra gas smell around you from last night."

"I don't know.It could be that weather for all we know.But one thing among all of this didn't make sense."I got to the part where he said things about how I forgive him and stuff."Does he seriously want me to forgive him?Like...it makes no sense.If he wanted me to forgive him he couldn't have killed Leah.Didn't abduct you.And many insufferable moment he's been.Why?That's the only question I have for him."

"That was also the only question you had when he first killed your dad and didn't pull the trigger or do I need to remind you that too?"

I shook my head."No."

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