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"You probably shouldn't have."Then the bell rang."I'll see you guys later."I left and waited for some spare time to compare the files to the others.But all of these were a month or two old.I needed new ones to figure a pattern.So I caught up to Dylan before he left school."I need your help."

"Oh boy.What?"

"Can you hack into Nark Industries and get me finance files for the last 5 months along with this month?"

"No.It's illegal and I don't want you to find a murderer."

"Dylan please.I want to find him."He got into his car and I jumped into it."Dylan please."He started to drive.A couple minutes and he stopped in front of a house."Come in."I called Leah while Dylan went inside and changed.

"Leah come to the location I'm gonna send you."

"Soph I'm not gonna help you find a murderer.I'm sorry but I won't."

"This is not completely about the nurder.I just want to know how much my dad stole from Nark Industries that they hired somone to kill my dad."Leah sighed."Send me the location."Then she hung up on me.And I sent her the location.

"So what exactly do you want from me?"I turned to Dylan."The files I showed you are old.And they are messed up.I need you to get me the last five months' finance files.6 months if you can."

He sat in front of his computer.And he started typing."So let me get this straight.You want me to hack into an industry that no one has been able to hack into yet?"I nodded."I know it sounds immpossible but you have skills.If you hadn't you'd be caught a long time ago."

Then I heard a woman calling Dylan."Be right there mom."Then he turned to me."When the nontification comes I need you to press these two buttons at the same time."Then he left.And the second he left a huge thing appeared on his computer.

                                                                             DON'T TRY TO FIND ME

Then it faded away.A few seconds later the nontification Dylan was talking about appeared and I pressed the buttons he told me to press.Then Dylan came."You look pale.You ok?"I nodded.To be honest I was creeped out."I did as you said."Then I got a phone call from Leah."I think I'm outside."

I hung up and turned to Dylan."Leah is here.I'm gonna go get her."He nodded and I went downstairs."Get in."Leah and I went upstairs and then to Dylan's room."Why am I here?"I took a deep breath.

"I asked Dylan to get me the finance files of Nark Industries.I need to find a pattern.My dad might be a horrible person but he's not that dumb.He must've used a pattern to make it look casual."Leah sighed."What am I gonna do?Seems like we're just waiting for Dylan to figure out his way into their database."

"That's pretty accurate.Go downstairs and grab some snacks I guess.I'll be in front of this computer for a long time."We turned to Dylan and went downstairs.His mom was placing the groceries."Can we help?"She gave a warm genuine smile to us."No need girls.Are you guys friends with Dylan?"

"I think."She chuckled."Well I'm gonna make dinner.I can put some more plates for you girls if you guys are staying for dinner."Leah chuckled."We don't know how long we'll be here but we can help if you'd like us to."

"Nonsense!You girls relax.I can handle all of this.""Do you mind if we grab a couple snacks?"Dylan's mom smiled."Of course not.Grab what you want.I'll call you guys here once the dinner is ready."

We nodded and we went back to Dylan's room.Hours and hours went by.We all ate dinner.And now it's midnight and still nothing.

"I'm in."I jumped off of Dylan's bed."What did you just say?""I said I'm in."I woke Leah up."Dylan is in."He printed all of the files out and all three of us placed them all in an order.

This is this month's.This is two months ago.And that one is?"I pointed the file Leah was organizing."This is five months ago and this is four months ago.""I have the file from six months ago and the file from three months ago."I put the files in order.

"Now I just need to find a pattern."I chuckled because I found something."Dylan this'll be much much easier but can you hack into my father's bank account?"

"That's so easy."He went in front of his computer and 20 minutes later he printed out his records."Here."I found the pattern not an hour after."This is it.This is the pattern."Leah was way too deep in sleep and Dylan fell asleep right next to her.

I stood up and found a blanket.I placed it over them."Good night guys."Then I just crawled onto the couch with me and my thoughts.And before I realized it I was staring at my wrists.My dad might be gone now but...I don't think I'll ever be able to forget the things he said.I don't want to forgive him either.

I will never forgive him for abandoning me.I have no reason to.You can't unsay the spoken words.You can't take back your actions.Especially if you're dead.

I had no sleep in me.I couldn't even close my eyes.All I saw was his dead body.So I went downstairs.I looked into the fridge.I needed to be numb so I took a bottle of Bumont 500ml and went up to the roof from Dylan's window.

"Why can't I be just normal?Why can't I just make it stop?"I cried for myself on that roof top.I cried for my failures."No I had to have a dad like him.I had to have a mother like her."I looked down from the roof top."If I jump...will I die?Probably no."Then I took the last sip from my beer and went back inside.And fell asleep instantly after I laid down on the couch.

Following morning after Dylan and Leah went to school I went to Nark Industries."I'd like to see Elijah and James Nark.""When was the appointment?"

"I don't have an appointment.""Then I can't let you in miss."I took a deep breath.My name is Sophia Jonhson.My dad and Mr.Nark used to work together if I remember correctly."

"I'll ask.But in the meantime I have to ask you to sit down and wait.""No problem.I just don't have a lot of time.History exam."Then I walked away from the informant.Not five minutes later I was walking into Elijah Nark's office.

"Ms.Johnson.""Mr.Nark."He gestured me to sit down."My son will be here in a few minutes."And he was right.James walked in right after I did."I came here because after my dad's death I found a couple things in his room and I realized that...he's been stealing from you."

"No there must be a mistake.My son,James, looks after finance files and records."I took a few files of my summary and put it onto the desk."As you see this is my father's bank account.And this is your records I found in his room."

James got a closer look while his father was boiling in rage."Mr.Nark he's been stealing for you for over 6 months now."James took the files."I'll be back in five minutes."He left and came back with bunch of folders."JAMES!An 18 year old girl has done better than you!And you are my son!MY SON!Do you know how embarassing this is?!HUH?!"


TriggerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora