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Following few days Dylan lived with me.I gave him the guest room and I spent the night at my room.He insisted that we had breakfast and now I have breakfast.I insisted he tried coffee.Now he loves it.

"Random question Dylan."

"Go for it."

"Do you want to move here?Don't get me wrong...but these past few days has been great for both of us.And with Leah gone.You are my only friend.I might even started considering you my best friend."

"I get it.We both feel closer to Leah when we're around each other.She was your best friend and we were gonna tell you eventually but she was my girlfriend."

"I figured.I'm sorry you had to go through all of that."

"You apologize to me every day.Sophia none of it was your fault."

"I have news by the way.Freya...she's moving back to her hometown.To live with her sister and her nephews.She asked if we wanted any of her stuff.I'm gonna head there right after school.I thought you might wanna know."

"I-I'd like that."

"I know her diary's password."We both chuckled."Let's head out.Ok?"He nodded and finished his coffee before he left.
After school we both head to Leah's house.I knocked on the door and Freya let us in.

"I'll bring some snacks for you two.""Freya...we came here to get the stuff you thought we might want.I don't want you to do things for us."

"Sophia I miss her so much!"I hugged Freya."We all loved her.It's only natural we miss her."She sighed."You guys know where her room is.I'll be in my room."

She left and we went up to Leah's room."It's weird being back here without her.""Yeah.It is."We got some of here stuff that meant something to us and we left after saying goodbye to Freya."So what did you get?"

I looked down at the boxes."I got all the clothes she ever wanted me to wear from her wardrobe.Along with some of the things I got her for her birthday along the years.You?"

"Her diary.The pressed rose between her book that I got her.And her letters to her future self."

"I honestly forgot about those.She's been writing that stuff ever since she learned hot to right.She told me that I should do it too many times but I never listened.Now I wish I did."

We chuckled."Want me to open that diary for ya champ?"He handed me the diary."Here you go."He went over the pages. But he stopped and started crying at this one specific page.

"Dylan?"He turned the diary over to me."She loved me too.But she was scared to say it."He sobbed."Now I would give anything to hear her say that she loves me."

We hugged and went to bed after studying some shit that we're supposed to know which is pretty boring and it's wasting our time.

Following night we were sitting after dinner.Throwing nuts into each other's mouth for game.To play around.But!I got an idea.Right that moment."Dylan I have a crazy idea.But...you won't like it.Like you will fucking hate it.But the end...it could be great.The outcome could be perfect.And the rest I can endure."

"I might be interested.Continue.But first tell me why I would hate it."

"Because...Caleb will be involved."He got up."No!No you are never going near that maniac.Never!Do you hear me?!Never!"I chuckled."What he did to us cannot go unpunished.Since I can't punish him...I'm gonna embarrass him."

"Oh...I believe in you enough to embarrass him.Continue."

So I told him my plan.Every aspect of it.He...loved it.He adored it."So yeah.Will you help me?""I will do it with pleasure.Let's go."Then we got ready and left.

A few hours later we were back on the couch throwing nuts into each other's mouths."So that was fun.""Sophia you are a crazy bitch."I chuckled."I know right?Though if you say that to someone else I will ruin you."

"This is my first year of school after juvie.To be honest the only reason I scared those guys away that night is because they were scared of me.Everybody is."

"Dude you are basically a genius marshmallow."


We laughed and joked around.Being alive is worth it.I just never thought it was so I never even tried to live it before.But now... I'm happy.Yes Leah isn't here.But...she would've wanted me to."Well I'm gonna head upstairs.To do what you asked me to do."

"Are you going to pull an all nighter?"He nodded."I'll stay up too.Those are boring if you're on your own."He laughed and helped me get on my feet."Thank you."He chuckled."You are welcome m'lady."

"Don't ever...call me m'lady.Don't.""Noted."Then we head up to his room.We chatted and listened music while he did what I asked him to do."This is gonna be so awesome."

For a few more days we did everything as I planned.And tomorrow is the day.So me and Dylan are going shopping."Can you show me the pictures of our inspiration ?"

"Here you go.I'll be sitting here.Doing literally nothing.""That's what I want to do but it doesn't seem possible.Lucky bastard."He chuckled and sat on the couch at the changing area.After 20 minutes I found everything I needed.

"How similar do I look with the lady on the picture?"Dylan put his phone to one side and me to the other side.Ge checked again and again."Bo difference at all.I think we got it."

"Finally.These are so uncomfortable."I turned around and went into the changing cabin as fast as I could.After we changed I paid and started looking for Dylan.And I found him checking out someone.

"Which one is it?Brunette at the right?Or brunette at the left?"He jumped out of his place."What?No one!What are you talking about?"I chuckled."You're not checking out the girls at all."I saw this attractive guy behind the girls.

"Go ask for his number.""What are you talking about?"I chuckled."You can't fool me y'know?Besides...I'm bi too."He turned to me immediately."What did you just say?"I rolled my eyes."Fucking hell Dylan."

I walked towards the guy and tapped on his shoulder."Hey.If you're by any chance gay can I get your number for my friend?If not I'm interested.But he noticed you first."He chuckled."I am flattered but...I'm straight."

"Well I'm interested.I'm Sophia."

"Felix.Your phone?"I gave him my phone and got his number."But if your friend is interested my twin Axel might go for him."I smiled."That'd be perfect."I got his twin's number too and went back to Dylan.

"He's straight but...his twin isn't.I got both of their numbers.Let's get back home shall we?"

"Sophia Johnson I love you."

"I know.I love me too."😉

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