💞 Ep.5: Soos And The Real Girl 💞

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Quick Message: I just wanna say I'm so sorry for taking so long with this ep! Most of you don't follow my art book, but about 2 months ago I mentioned that my phone schedule has been shortened by a lot.

I'm doing all I can to keep posting for you guys, but it's been difficult. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~

The day had been like any other. The gift shop had just closed and I was behind the counter managing a few things in the cash register as Wendy sat next to me doing Wendy things, Dipper reading his journal, and Leo cleaning some shelves.

That's when Mabel came in skipping through while singing. "La la la la la- AH!!!" We all looked up startled when she began to scream, seeing her stick the the front door. "Bracers!!!! Bracers caught in the screen door!!! Someone dictate my will!!! I'm giving it all to Waddles!!!"

That's when Soon walked over with a screwdriver. "Say 'ah', girl dude."

"Ahhhhhh." He untangled her bracers, and she turned to him with a smile. "Soos, you saved me!"

He let out a chuckle. "Just doing my job, hambone. I'll see you dudes tomorrow."

"Bye, Soos!"

"Later, Soos!"

"Night, Soos."

He left the shack, and Mabel tilted her head in curiosity as she stared at the door. "You ever wonder what Soos does when he's not here at the Mystery Shack?"


"Not really."

"Not even once."

Not gonna lie, the fact none of us have thought about it is just plain sad.

The next day, I was working on cash register duty as usual. There was a young kid, he looked about seven to eight years old. He was flipping a nickel around in his hand, and of course Stan wanted it.

I, however, was focused on Soos, who was acting weirder than he normally did. it.

"A woman!" He gasped before hiding behind the rack of clothes. I tapped Pinetree's shoulder before pointing at Soos, and he looked over as Soos peeked up at the woman. "Your face is good!!! I'm a Soos!!!"

She screamed in bloody murder before running out of the gift shop, and we shared a glance of confusion before walking over.

"Soos? What was that about?" I tilted my head.

He fiddled around a bit nervously. "I-... I think that was flirting? But I'm not sure.."

That's when Mabel popped her head out of the barrel she was hiding in with a wide smile. "Did someone say flirting?!?"

"Well, I sorta promised my grandma I'd get a date by the end of the week, but I've never actually been on a date before!" Soos took the Out of Order sign from the nearby vending machine and placed it on him. "You belong on me, Out Of Order sign..."

"Finally, my prayers for a chance to matchmake this summer have been answered!!!"

We all then turned to Stan as he spoke. "Soos, a little advice: you need to get rich! Or lie about being rich. Outside of that I don't like your chances."

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