How You Had Your First Kiss

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Johnny: The two of you had gone on a date to the country club that Johnny was a member of. There was a party going on in the banquet hall the Johnny was invitied to so he decided that it was a good oppurtunity to take you out there to dance and have fun. As the two of you were dancing on the dance floor, a slow song started to play and the two of you were both entranced by eachothers eyes. It was as if you could see every emotion that they were feeling without even saying a word. Slowly, you and Johnny started to lean in to eachother until your lips connected softly and passionately. That was the first of the many times that he would end up kissing you ;)

Daniel: You both were assigned as partners for this science project that the two of you had to do. You were excited about this due to the fact that you had a massive crush on Daniel so you would love to have the oppurtunity to be able to hang out with him. Little did you know, Daniel also liked you as well. So when the two of you sat on his bed working on the project the two of you felt as if there was something pulling the two of you together. Before either one of you knew it, both of your lips touched and moved in a perfect rhythm that made it seem as if the two of you were made for eachother. That was one heck of a project if you know what I mean ;)

Miguel: The two of you had decided that it would be fun to go to a playground at night as a date. It was around Halloween time so when you went you couldn't help but think that it was creepy. Being the incredibly nice person Miguel is, he made sure that you felt like you were safe at the park even though he knew that there was nothing that was going to happen. The two of you were having fun together once you felt protected and Miguel decided that it was time to tell you that he wanted you to be his girl. He asked you as the two of you slowly swung on the swingset. You were so filled with joy that you jumped off of your swing and pulled Miguel's to a stop so that you were able to kiss him square on the lips. It was as if fireworks went off in the background as the two of your lips connected.

Robby: Robby and you decided that you wanted to go to the 80s roller skate night at the roller rink. It was really fun and the two of you decided that you wanted to get all dressed up too so that you could really feel like you were in the 80s. The two of you skated around holding hands and having the time of your lives. The majority of the songs playing while you were skating were upbeat and fun but in the middle of it Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper started to play. Robby grabbed your hand and pulled your close to his body as he maneuvered his lips onto yours. The scene unfolding was like that of a movie and you were so happy that you got to share this moment with someone as special as Robby.

Hawk: The two of you were sparring in the Cobra Kai dojo trying to perfect your moves for the tournament when all of a sudden he got you pinned on the ground. While you laid on the ground he winked at you and then roughly started to kiss you. You were shocked by this sudden action because you never thought that a guy like Hawk would like you in any way. You quickly started to kiss back as the two of you laid in the middle of mat. Breaking up the moment you could hear Sensei Lawrence clapping in the background as he told you that he was glad that the two of you were using your time wisely.

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