What They Would Do If They Walked In On You Changing Request For @Baby_Girx

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TO CLARIFY YOU AREN'T NAKED! YOU ARE WEARING YOUR UNDERGARMENTS (lmao I sound like a 67 year old woman saying that)

Johnny: He would see you and look for a second then think what he is doing is wrong to the point where he feels guilty and leaves.

Daniel: Daniel would be the type to watch you the whole time from the outside of your room.

Miguel: Miguel would absolutely run in the other direction because he didn't mean to walk in on you.

Robby: Robby would walk in and start apologizing like hundreds of times to the point where you found the situation amusing.

Hawk: Hawk would walk right in and watch you without even thinking twice about it.

This next week coming up I have finals so I'm freakingggg out!

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