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Hello, dear readers!

Thank you for taking the time to read my stories. Sorry if this took longer to finish than the first book. I was having internal battle if I should give them happy ending or a tragic one.

Trivia : Gun would have supposedly died, Tay and New would have supposedly broke up and end up as friends, Win should have moved on and found another love interest but remained partners with Bright. And Singto would have supposedly returned with a girlfriend after 2 years. 😀

Yep. I've written those drafts then deleted them. 😅😂

I'm originally a tragic story teller, unless my heart is full. And my main inspirations are KristSingto.

There was KS drought last month thus my black heart is taking over. 😂😂

Should I write tragic ending next though? 🤔

Anyway, thank you, thank you for your continuous support.

Please tell me which book you liked better. "The Trinity"? Or "The Pillars"?

I will really appreciate your feedbacks for future reference. Na, na, na, na? 🙏🙏🙏

Khub khun krub/kha~ ❤💙💚🖤

Song reference :

Song from Baby Bright FM

I don't know the title of this song. I just found it fitting to the scene when Singto left and Krist let him go. But yeah. This is that song.

2gether OST Kan Gu

Still 2gether OST

Just A Man

Faces Of Love : The PillarsWhere stories live. Discover now