Chapter - 3

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The lines formed patterns that Jungkook did not recognize, only to disappear a few moments after fixing on his skin. It was in the middle of this that he heard a voice.


For a moment, Jungkook froze. He couldn't say that he had dreamed it or hadn't heard it. He was alone, and although the voice had been a whisper, he had heard it as if it were by his side. He looked in all directions, searching, but found no one.

I'm here.

This time, Jungkook raised the hand in which he held the stone and used it as a flashlight. To his surprise, the stone emitted a glow and the young man felt an invisible force tug at his arm. His heart was beating a thousand times an hour. Was it normal for this to happen? That someone else was here with you?

In the distance, he could see shadows, but could not tell what they were. Once he was closer, he realized that they were plants, small bushes and in its centre a tree, as big as the one in the room. Here there was no pond in front of the tree, but the tree was inside a lake.

Despite being dark, Jungkook knew that this place was not the same one he had come from, no matter how similar it might be. The feeling was totally different; the atmosphere was heavy and unpleasant. The plants seemed to be dead, if not about to die, and the tree ... The tree was a degraded version of the original, the roots were thin, twisted and looked rotten. The trunk was thinner too and there wasn't a single leaf on its branches, as if all the nutrients had been sucked out of it and only the outer bark remained. The trees in the winter looked much better than this.

Help us, please.

Jungkook looked in all directions again, but couldn't find anyone.

"Who you are?"

Does not matter. They are suffering; he is dying.

"Dying? Who is dying?" Jungkook didn't understand what was happening. In fact, he didn't understand why he was witnessing this, but he wanted to help. He didn't know who was dying, but he didn't want to witness it either.

They need help, the gems are dying.

A chill ran through her body and her heart seemed to have stopped beating. Before him appeared a woman, he was not even aware of having seen her appear. Between one blink and the next, she was in front of him. There was nothing about her that was out of the ordinary, she was like anyone else, but Jungkook had a feeling that inside she was not. In the last hour after choosing his gem, everything had been full of surprises and discoveries of things that were only reserved for literature and cinema, so it was not unreasonable to think this woman belonged to that category.

Jungkook could not see her in its entirety, a dark cloak (like everything in this place) covered her entire body and gave the impression that she was floating. The only part uncovered was her face: round face, white skin, and dark hair. It was impossible to accurately detail the rest, but that was not the point now. The gems were dying, and that was bad news. Panic took over his body and his mind seemed to have no filter when he spoke.

"I want to help you. Tell me what I have to do and I will do it. Well, it's not that I can do much now, but I know of someone who can. Her name is Hana, and she knows a lot about this. If you talk to her, she can surely help you. Now this-"

"Hana. We haven't talked to her in a while. The tree is too weak right now to make contact. May I ask you a favour?"

The young man just nodded. This was becoming more and more surreal, but Jungkook wanted to know more, wanted to help be useful. If this woman couldn't contact Hana, then he would be the messenger. And that's what he said to the woman in front of him. For the first time, he saw her smile, even if it was a small smile, but it was full of hope.

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