Chapter - 37

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"Ah, but is there more?" Yoongi nodded his head. Jin rolled his eyes.

"I promise you, it is more enjoyable than the shadow theme. And it has to do with my medical guidelines, for what it's worth."

"You're already taking the time off." The older one was quick is to say, which made the other two laugh.

The first thing Yoongi did was tell them about the example the doctor had given him to explain what had happened to him. No one had ever called it a vase before, either directly or indirectly, but given the circumstances, and that the example had made him understand the situation, he would let it pass.

"A pressure cooker would have also served as an example," Jin commented thoughtfully.

"As always, you take everything to the kitchen grounds." He said resignedly.

"When you get mad, it's like smoke is coming out of your ears. It's your way of relieving pressure and not sending us to shit." Namjoon added.

"Are you calling me a pressure cooker? Really, Namjoon?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What?! That's way better than calling you a vase." The youngest defended himself.

Yoongi covered his face with his hands and gave a frustrated grunt. "Why am I telling you these things?" He had said it rhetorically and more to himself than to them, but Jin was quick to reply.

"Because we're your best friends and we care about you. And because you love us. And you're probably gonna deny that, but we know the truth."

"I think I should change my friends."

"Hears!" Jin exclaimed indignantly, although he knew very well that he had been joking. "He didn't even acknowledge the last part of my sentence" Jin whispered, turning to Namjoon.

"So," Namjoon spoke again after a snicker, "basically, Jungkook has already saved you more times than can be counted on one hand. First in your dreams, pushing away the shadows for an entire week, and then when it connected with your gem and pushed them away for good."

"When Jimin said he was good at a lot of things, I didn't think this would also fit the package."

"Wait till I tell you the rest, Hyung, it's going to blow your lid."

So Yoongi told them about that test that the doctor had done on his gem and about the results and conclusions he had reached. While doing so, Jin had taken the plates that previously contained cake and returned to his place on the couch next to Namjoon. By the time Yoongi finished speaking, the two of them had barely blinked and were motionless as a statue.

"Can gems do that?" Jin asked, dumbfounded. "I had no idea they could do that." Namjoon had said at the same time. They turned to each other.

"Neither do I. But I see it as a possibility, although I don't think it is something so common. The doctor himself was quite surprised at the discovery. If it weren't because he did the test himself, I'm sure he wouldn't have thought it possible either."

After a few moments of silence, Jin spoke again. "Does this mean that Jungkook is capable of doing these things? Why didn't he say anything?"

"Maybe he doesn't know," Namjoon replied instead.

"Oh, come on, Joonie, darling. How can you not know what your gem does? It is a part of you, it is impossible not to notice it."

"Hyung, you know that there are things we do unconsciously, without realizing it until someone tells us. I'm not saying that Jungkook did not feel it, but it is possible that he didn't know exactly what it was. Also, when the connection is recent, there are a lot of residual sensations." Namjoon explained. "Do you remember the time I was so nervous about presenting a project that my nerves ended up reaching you through our connection?" Jin nodded after finding the memory in his mind. "Until I told you about it, you didn't know why you had that feeling. And maybe the same thing happened to Jungkook."

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