Chapter - 36

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When they got home, and as soon as they entered, Jin went straight to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

"Don't you have to go to the restaurant today, Hyung?" Yoongi asked, confused.

"Oh, no need for that." The older said as he took out the different ingredients he was going to need from the fridge. "The guys already know what to do, so I'm calm in that regard." The smile he gave him was just as resplendent as the blonde shade of his hair.

"Hyung," Namjoon called. Yoongi followed him to the guest room. "We took the liberty of bringing your clothes, the ones that still worked, of course. We can go buy what you need later."

The pink-haired boy opened the door and entered the room. Then he opened the closet doors and drawers for Yoongi to see what they had rescued. Considering all the damage the shadows had done, he hadn't considered the possibility that anything might be safe. He was going to need to buy some more clothes, but what little he had was good for the moment. There were things more important to him than clothes, like all the instruments he had to compose music.

"Oh, you won't believe it! But I also managed to save this. " The young man disappeared for a moment to come back again with a red folder in his hand and a smile on his face.

Yoongi didn't recognize the folder, but he still took it from the boy's hands. He removed the elastics that held it closed and opened it. Inside were a pile of papers of different sizes, but they all had his handwriting on them. Without a doubt, it was about his compositions or at least part of them. Some pages only had a couple of sentences written on them, but others were torn, not having survived the assault.

"I know it's not much, but it's the only thing I could find. There were more leaves out there, although most of them were in shreds and it was like trying to make a puzzle."

"It's okay, Joon-ah." He said with a lump in his throat and tears in his eyes, which disappeared in a blink. "It is more than I expected. Much more." After a short pause that he used to close the folder, Yoongi thanked his friend. "Thank you very much really." It was a barely audible whisper, but the other rapper could hear it in the room's silence.

The young man gave him another smile of his own and then showed him where he had put the rest of the things they had rescued, and other things that they had left him and that he would need during his stay with them. After that, Yoongi went to take a shower while Namjoon actively and passively tried to get Jin to let him help him. So far, he hadn't been very successful, although he had let him into the kitchen, something that could be considered a minor victory.

After the shower, Yoongi felt like a new person. It was strange how calm he felt. If what the woman in the shadows had said had any truth, he would see no shadow again, except his own, of course. Still, he should have been mortified or burdened that something had turned his world upside down, and he tried to find that feeling inside, but there was none of that. Instead, there was only calm, as if he was sure that everything was going to be okay.

  The thought crossed his mind that perhaps it had something to do with his connection to Jungkook. But you couldn't influence the other person's thinking through your gem, right? One thing was evident, just as Jungkook had saved his life last night, whether he was aware of it, It had also left him with many questions for which he had no answers. And Yoongi was a curious person.

When leaving the bathroom, his nose was assaulted by a mixture of smells coming from the kitchen, where Jin was finishing putting the last touches on the food, Namjoon observing by his side, but not at what Jin was doing, but at Jin himself. Yoongi often teased Namjoon for the expressions Namjoon made when Jin was in the same room as him. They both knew that Yoongi was only joking and that all he wanted was to torment him while Jin was oblivious to all this. But Yoongi could also see the love they professed, the affectionate looks and the little touches that showed the affection they had for each other. It was a wonderful thing, how those two felt for each other, and Yoongi would be lying if he said he didn't want to experience something like that again. But life didn't always give you what you wanted.

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