Chapter - 26

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There they said goodbye quickly because at that time the cold was more intense and neither wanted to get home frozen.

That same night, while Jin was cooking, Yoongi told them about the change that had taken place in his dreams. Well, to be exact, the change had been going from having nightmares to having actual dreams. Although neither knew the reason for this light, they were both glad it helped him to sleep. He had had no encounters with the shadows either, which led him to think that maybe Jin's idea of ​​his house being haunted wasn't that far-fetched. It was good news.

Despite this, Yoongi could not stay and live with his friends. He knew that if it were up to Jin, he could stay as long as he wanted, but Yoongi didn't want to abuse his hospitality. Also, there was nothing like having your own space, and that extended to Jin and Namjoon too. They were a couple, and they didn't have to hold back from doing certain things because he was there. Nor is it they were repressed much, but hey, it was still not the same to live with three people instead of two under the same roof.

Now that they knew that this light somehow repelled shadows, they could only confirm if it had the same effect in their own home. Jin, being a person who cared for them as if he were a mother, did not want Yoongi to be left alone in his own house for fear that something would happen and they would not be around. So they decided that after Jimin's birthday, they would spend a night together at his house, so they would know if he had to go thinking about looking for another place to live.

This story belongs to @nometoloko on AO3. I'm just her translator.

This was tiny. Sorry. Proceed on my friends. Yoonkook meeting in the next one.

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