Chapter - 40

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On the paper, he had written a series of numbers.

"What is this?"

"Jungkook's number."

Yoongi looked from the paper to his friend's face, then to the paper, and then back to Jimin.

"He wants to meet you," Jimin said through explanation.

"Shouldn't you give me my number than, instead of giving me his?"

Jimin grinned from ear to ear. "And risk you killing me for giving him your number without your permission? No thanks. I value my life very much. Besides, you would dedicate yourself to ignoring it." He said with a shrug.

"Then why are you giving me his number?" He asked, confused. "I have no intention of talking to him, and in case he did, you know what I'm going to tell him."

"Because I trust you will make the right decision, Hyung," Jimin answered simply.

"I still don't see the meaning of this." He said as he moved the paper he was holding in his hand.

Jimin slumped against the railing, both arms back, leaning against it. Then he watched the path of cars and passersby.

"Jungkook wanted to meet you, but after what Jin Hyung told us, I told him it wasn't the best time."

"And were you satisfied with that answer?" Yoongi asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Actually, he wasn't very amused, but he understood it was necessary. Also, I told him you haven't had the best of experiences with this soulmate thing. I didn't tell him the details, of course, but enough to make him understand where your dislike of all this comes from."

"Do you want me to meet him so badly?" He asked with an almost resigned sigh.

"Yes. I want you to see the good side of soulmates. I would like you to talk to him, meet him, and give him the opportunity to meet you. He may also want to meet his other half. If even after meeting him, you don't want to know anything about him, I will respect your decision."

"Are you sure? Jungkook is your friend."

"I'm not saying it's easy," Jimin replied after a long sigh. "But if you're going to reject him, I'd rather it be after you've taken the opportunity to meet him."

After a few minutes of silence, Jimin spoke again. "If Jun was given the opportunity to meet his soulmate, why can't you do the same Hyung?"

Because Yoongi was afraid, as simple as that. He was afraid of giving Jungkook a chance and that everything would go wrong. He wasn't even thinking about a relationship, but about the simple fact that they knew each other and were so different that they could not bear the presence of the other in the same space. It might even be him, and not Jungkook, who screwed up everything. Yoongi was not like Jimin, who gave off sweetness with every movement; or like Hoseok, who shone brightly and put the sun itself to shame. He was more subtle, simpler, and more times than not, he preferred the silence and tranquillity it provided.

But most of all, and secretly, he liked pretty and adorable things, even if his expression remained neutral on the outside. And what he had seen of Jungkook fell into that category. That is why, in the end, he kept the piece of paper with Jungkook's number and told Jimin that he would think about it. He hadn't been reassured, but something as simple as considering it was more than enough for Jimin. A minor victory.

After that, the night continued as normal.

Jimin went back inside and took the place of his boyfriend, who was lying on the ground, all sweaty, asking him to defend his honour in the impromptu competition against Hoseok.

"Ready to lose, Hoseokie Hyung?" Jimin asked with a confident smile as he got into position in front of the screen.

"Wait a minute," Hoseok said between gasps and swallowing, "I need a break."

But none of them was going to let him get away with it. Jin went back to reciting the rules from memory like one reciting a poem, Taehyung nodding from the ground, and Namjoon picking on Hoseok and his little stamina. This seemed to bring out the competitive streak of the dancer who immediately got into position as Jimin laughed and the others encouraged them to get started.

"You'll see the stamina I have," Hoseok said aloud to Namjoon, "I'm going to kick Jimin's butt."

"Hey! Don't touch his butt, it's mine." Taehyung seemed to quickly recover from fatigue.

Hoseok smiled, sure of himself. "I'm going to give him such a beating he's going to lose his ass."

Yoongi went back inside just in time to see the start of the Duel of the Titans. Jimin was the one who kicked Hoseok's butt, although he kept arguing that, had he been more rested, the young man would not have had the slightest opportunity. Neither accepted this excuse, although Hoseok was right, and they cleaned everything before going home.

That night, after a long time, he said goodbye to Jin and Namjoon to go to his own house. He had stayed longer after the rest had already left because he was comfortable and didn't want to leave yet. He didn't tell them anything about what he had discussed with Jimin. He appreciated the advice and concern of his friends, but there were things he had to think about on his own before talking to someone else.

Sometime later, Yoongi said goodbye to the boys and went home, but not before assuring Jin and Namjoon that he was going to continue taking it easy. Why shouldn't he if he already had everything as it was before? Well, things were still missing, obviously, but that could be fixed over time. What he was going to do during the rest days he had was just that: rest. Yoongi loved to sleep whenever he got the chance, and when he wasn't sleeping he liked to relax at home or work on some composition of his own. He had spent a lot of money buying a new computer and setting it up to look the same as the old one. Without the rest of the equipment, it wouldn't be the same, but at least he could create a melody for his lyrics.

When he entered his house, he did so with the paper that Jimin had given him in one hand while in the other he held the keys to open the door. Not that he was considering talking to the boy or anything like that. It's just that the piece of paper was in the same pocket as the keys, so when he took them out the paper came out along with them.

He had been sincere with Jimin when he had told him he was still thinking about rejecting Jungkook, but he had also been sincere when he had said that he would think about it. The reason? Well, the last words had been quite accurate. If Jun had given himself a chance to meet his soulmate, he could do the same too. He had that right. Regardless, he was still not quite sure that he wanted to have anything to do with the boy, but the intensity of his refusal to meet him had diminished. A part of him wondered if perhaps this time it was worth getting carried away and see what fate had in store for him for so many years.

But it was still too early for him. Too many things in too little time. First, he needed to fix the mess in his head; He would think about the rest later. With that thought, he fell exhausted on the bed, gladly embracing the pleasure of sleeping without fear of waking up to strange noises and chilling nightmares. At last, he could do what he loved most after music: sleep.

This story belongs to @nometoloko on AO3. I'm just her translator. 

Surprise chap. Not really, though.

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