Chapter - 56

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If time was what they needed, then Yuseok would wait. Overall, it is not as if you have not already invested half your life to see the fruit of your work and effort.

The waiting room was completely silent, and Yoongi might have fallen asleep if it weren't for how uncomfortable the chair he was sitting in was. Anyone would think that a hospital would want you to be comfortable while you spent long hours waiting, but perhaps no one stayed too long. He was one of those who preferred not to enter the hospital unless it was strictly necessary.

During the filming of a promotional video for the new group that was to debut in a couple of weeks, one boy fainted with the consequent blow of his head. And to avoid overlooking an internal injury, they had decided it was best to bring the boy in for examination and confirmation of the lack of injury, not counting the blow to the head, of course.

Actually, that job was the responsibility of the group's manager, but since they had to move to another place to continue filming, someone else had to take care of taking the boy to the hospital. And since Namjoon and Yoongi were passing right in front of it when it all happened, inevitably, the manager asked them for the favour.

It'll be quick, the manager had said, for them to accept.

And the two agreed, thinking that it would really be something quick and that they could go home a little earlier, but it wasn't like that.

The emergency room seemed to be collapsed by multiple accidents on the highway, and of course, there were only two doctors to attend to the rest of the patients. It had been two hours since they arrived, and they were still waiting. At least the wait wouldn't be too long, as the manager had warned them that filming had ended, and that he was heading to the hospital to relieve them. But then Yoongi remembered the accident and knew it was going to take longer than expected because of the queues.

"Change that face, Hyung. It leaves less time."

"You said that an hour ago, Joon. And we're still in the same place." Yoongi replied without taking his eyes off his cell phone.

"Well, at least they've already called the boy, so it shouldn't take that long."

"They still have to test him, and the tests take time, and that means we'll be here until the manager arrives, which means we don't know when we'll get out of here," Yoongi said in one go.

Beside him, Namjoon blinked a few times. "You're pretty grumpy today, Hyung." His fellow producer commented, half surprised.

Yoongi just shrugged. "Every time they delay me with something I get grumpy."

"Yeah, yeah, but you're grumpier than usual today."

"Yeah, well, it's your fault."


"Yes, yours. Why do you have to be so fucking tall?"

Namjoon stared at Yoongi silently, not understanding what their height had to do with the fact that they were in a hospital waiting room. "What does my height have to do with this?!"

Yoongi turned to him and stared at him, his face totally serious. "The manager asked us for help because he saw you among all the sea of ​​people who were there. Your height stands out so much that it is impossible not to notice your presence, even if you try to go unnoticed. So it's your fault they intercepted us when we were about to leave."

"Are you serious?" The other asked incredulously.

"Completely." He answered seriously.

But Namjoon knew that he didn't really mean it. His height may have been a point against him, as was his passing by when it all happened. Also, what Yoongi had just said made no sense, and Namjoon knew that he knew.

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