Chapter - 51

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The boy simply threw his head back as he laughed out loud, causing Yoongi to smile slightly as he watched him disappear down the hall.

After that day, the relationship between Jungkook and him changed.

They hadn't discussed their relationship, but they were talking more and more, spending more time together, and seemed to connect in a way that Yoongi had never imagined. 

Jungkook didn't have to be accountable to anyone at his job, after all, he was working on his own, and that gave him the freedom to organize each day as he pleased. When he was not with Yoongi, teaching him hundreds of tricks about gems, you could find him at home drawing for something related to his work or a personal project. 

Other times they were all together, taking advantage of the few moments in which they all agreed; at other times, Jungkook would meet Jimin to go see a friend they had in common, Yoonseul. The girl had also studied with them, and the three were inseparable.

The point is, sometimes Jungkook just wasn't there; disappeared. At first, Yoongi didn't lend him much business as everyone needed their alone time from time to time, but over time he realized that strangely, Jimin and Taehyung were the only ones who seemed to know where and what Jungkook was doing. 

Although Yoongi played dumb, he was aware of how the three of them spoke quietly when they were all gathered and awaiting other conversations, and although Yoongi acted as if this wasn't about him, sometimes he also suspected that they were in fact talking about him. 

He could feel the gaze of three pairs of eyes staring at him for an instant and then re-engage in an argument full of aggressive whispers and hand movements that denoted exasperation and frustration.

He only had to wait a couple of weeks before Jungkook called him to tell him he had to see him and speak to him in person about something very important. Yoongi quickly assumed that it had to do with the secrecy that the trio of friends seemed to have lately, so he did not hesitate to agree with Jungkook to come to his house after work.

Jungkook arrived a complete nervous wreck, although at first glance it could pass as a simple emotion from spending the afternoon watching Yoongi work on his music. But the boy talked about something important, and that was reflected in his body language and in the sensations that passed through the bond they shared. 

Yoongi had learned to distinguish his own emotions from Jungkook's, and right now they were of great use to him. He tried to act as normal as possible and control his nerves, as that would not help the boy at all, so after grabbing something to drink, the two sat on the sofa, each at one end; Yoongi leaning against the armrest, looking at Jungkook, and Jungkook looking straight ahead and fiddling with the drawstrings on his hood.

Yoongi waited patiently for Jungkook to sort his ideas into his head; Yoongi knew from experience that the boy would simply shut down if you tried to get something out of him before he decided whether to say it. But the wait was being too long and agonizing, and he was finding it very difficult to control his urge to say something, whatever it was, for the boy to stop worrying and talk to him.

"Hey." Hearing his voice, Jungkook glanced at him quickly, stopping all his movements. His eyes were enormous and as expressive as ever, reflecting the insecurity and fear that the boy felt. "Okay, it's just you and me, Kookie."

He had done it on purpose. He knew how much Jungkook liked when he called him that. He had never told him directly, but Yoongi had noticed how happy it made him hear it, and Yoongi was happy to see him happy and smiling. He didn't know if his words would have the same effect on him in this situation, but at least he had made the boy stop moving almost compulsively.

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