An Unrightful Law

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In a distant land hidden from all of the world, lived a tiny but some what known town where the richest owned the land and the poor and middle class grazed the farms. Nothing much really happened but it almost seemed impossible to not come into the town for sights to see. There was the oaks and willows that almost seemed to touch the sky that the children loved to climb and venture in their leaves in the spring. The apple orchards free of picking fruits of any kind, a strange sight to see in the fall. Crisp leaves and rough bark from trees grew tough for the upcoming winters, the houses looked like they were drawn by hand and sculpted sculpted the smiles on the peoples faces, the enjoyment of company, and the children. But it was something about the children that the townsmen people came from all over to see.

The children were special. Buying a seed from told market, and planting it would then create a flower where the child would sprout from and grow. The process consisted of more working and needed to be attended to daily. There were several kinds of seeds that would give you a child at random. Boy or girl, the seeds are randomly passed down to which the owner who purchased it does not know the gender or features of the child but to hope that with the right care given to the seedling that it opens to a new and healthy baby. But there is one seed that is looked down upon, frowned down upon, hated, outcasted, and unforgiven for. With penalty of death of having the seed, it is to be burned or killed instantly.

The Angel seed.

A seed so powerful, so mystic, so wanted by humanity for its pureness and rarity, and unknown to mankind ­­ that humanity locked it away. Killed hem, burned them to never see the light again, and the ones who survived were born and raised as slaves to anything. The seed was forbidden and only the hidden people smuggled these seeds and sold them but many were caught. Only few seeds still roamed the town, and only few people ­still searched for it.

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