I'm Not The Only One

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Dean sat on the hill where the orchards where directly down the hill and Castiel was walking around in them alone, this time he only had an apple. Dean had no reason for Castiel to get apples, they had plenty but Cas still ventured down there and picked an apple for himself. Castiel's wings twitched when the wind came by, he eyed the clouds above him and watched as they slowly crawled across the sky. As if his wings were wet, they shook in the wing and returned back behind him. Dean observed, leaning off his knees.

The wind came by again and this time Castiel's wings stretched out behind him but still folded. Shaking themselves, they returned behind him. It was like he was unconscious of his own actions, as if his wings had their own mind in thought as they stretched and moved to the feel of the wind. Like ­­ it wanted to feel the wind. The wind sputtered to a slow stop and Castiel turned from the trees and made his way towards Dean. Sitting down beside him he took a bite of his apple and his wing unconsciously laid behind Dean in a sort of protective way, eating the apple he stared down at it. Dean just gawked at him, his wings in particular.

Castiel's eyes found Dean's, peering right back. His chewing stopped. Dean reached up touching the hill­like structure on Cas' wings, they twitched to the touch. "You have wings, but," he stuttered, "You don't fly." Dean's fingers tangled in feathers, Cas rolled his shoulder in being uncomfortable to the touch.

"Why don't you fly?"

He rolled his shoulders again, " I, I'm afraid to."

"Why?" Dean sat up.

He stared down at the apple in his hands. "I'm scared to because if I fly ­­ I might not come back."

"What makes you believe that Cas?"

"When a bird flies away from its nest, it doesn't come back." He gazed into Dean's eyes with big, old sad ones.

Dean looked to the open field by the pens, he stood up. "If there's one thing I know, is that, you won't leave Cas. Now come on." He held out his hand to help Castiel up.

"Where are we going?" He stood up.

"Just come on." He insisted as he turned for the pens, Castiel ran up and grabbed his hand. Dean stared down at their hand entwined together, he wanted to pull away, to let go of Castiel's hand and hate it, but he wanted to hold his hand tighter. Dean stopped by the pen as he watched the horses walk around, coming closer to him he patted their necks and rubbed their noses. "Come on." Dean demanded again as he tugged Castiel into the barn and grabbed a saddle, whistling to the horses they trotted over to the door and Dean set down the saddle.

"What are we doing Dean?"

Dean pulled out, the other horse, Darrius as he shack up the reigns and saddle. Shaking the saddle he turned back to Castiel smiling, "We're going some where." Pulling himself up on the saddle, he looked down to Castiel holding his hand out. "Up."

"Dean, what're you doing up there?" Ellen called from the front door.

"I'm taking Castiel out to the woods­­."

"You know it's dangerous out there, and you're going to bring him along." She muttered. "You're crazy if you think you're not gonna get caught."

Dean smiled, "I'll be back in an hour." Taking Castiel's hand, he hoisted him up behind him on the saddle and put Castiel's hands around his waist.

"Dean Winchester, out of all the things in the world ­­ this is insane." Ellen said as she neared.

He smiled again as he gripped the reigns, "He'll be fine, we'll be back before the town has enough time to get out."

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